Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] she be be " in BNC.

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1 To show her the evil of her ways , the evil for which she was being punished .
2 Divorcee Mrs Robinson was arrested in April , 1989 , and while awaiting trial , she said she had only the vaguest idea of what she was being accused .
3 Suddenly she felt confused , uncertain of what she was being accused of and equally uncertain of how to defend herself .
4 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
5 He offered to tutor the girl , but after trying to teach her for a while , gave it up as he considered she was unable to focus on what she was being taught .
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