Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] i [vb past] up " in BNC.

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1 Responding to the Handsworth events Douglas Hurd was moved to argue forcibly that such events were senseless and reflected more on those who participated in them than on the society in which they took place : ‘ The sound which law abiding people in Handsworth heard on Monday night , the echoes of which I picked up on Tuesday , was not a cry for help but a cry for loot ’ ( Financial Times , 13 September 1985 ) .
2 Not only this , but within the metric system itself there is standardisation , so that some of the terms with which I grew up have all but disappeared .
3 I mean sexy little telephone calls between he who will be king and his , is she a mistress , is she a girlfriend , is she merely a friend , but at any event she 's married and her husband 's in the next bedroom as far as we can gather , you know erm do those kind of conversations and would , I mean maybe it 's important to sort of say and Anne probably has this , but Peter might not , I mean when I grew up the Royal Family were a cert sort of image and you might have known about George the Third who was mad , I mean who else was brought up George the Third was mad and Geor an and this guy was a , a drunk and this guy was a a womaniser , this guy was this , but Victoria you know mourned for sixty years or whatever it was , but this Royal Family , I E the , the Royal Family with which I grew up and Anne did were really sweet nice little Windsors who behaved themselves and that was what was , went into our psychic and there was the odd crack about Phil the Great who 's the Queen 's husband , you know and how he perhaps had an eye for the ladies , but there was never any photographs of him being or any evidence that it might have gone further than that particular and basically there was , that any , there was the fact that he was a sailor when he married the Queen anyway so all sailors are like that are n't they !
4 His career at Thame had been full of promise , attested by the Oxford University Local Examinations certificate framed on the walls of the terraced house in Cardiff in which I grew up .
5 I now live in a small Perthshire village , substantially less homogeneous than the one in which I grew up but in which there are also a few catholic families and where the majority are of presbyterian Scottish/Ulster stock .
6 ‘ The biggest influence on my life , my career , was probably the atmosphere in which I grew up .
7 I know the people in these bands and it 's nothing different to what I grew up with .
8 It was a pleasure to be paid for what I had up until then been doing in my spare time .
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