Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] she 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But why should I do her any favours and explain this , after what she 's done to me ?
2 I try to make a joke out of what she 's driving at , and lean forward to poke her in the belly .
3 If you imagine you can use me to remind Mademoiselle Rabier of what she 's missing by paying attention to her friend Bernard then you can think again ! ’
4 It , it 's a case of what she 's letting herself in for if we strike this out .
5 Tell Thatcher you are against what she 's doing and vote Communist . "
6 And an expert on the case believes she still has n't come to terms with what she 's done .
7 She is so slowed down by the dope slamming fifty visions of hell at her a second that she finds it hard to fight , hard to believe in her own anger , hard to believe in what she 's doing .
8 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
9 Erm , I think that the comments that Chair made ar are extremely bias , in what she 's saying , I think is , that it looks as if , if erm , the minister is beginning to realise this simply ca n't go on , this this disproportionate funding , and that is what is so unfair , and I think it does need to make quite clear to grant maintained schools , that there is , it , there is that possibility that that will be reduced , because they need to know that just as well , for balancing their own budgets in the future .
10 She 'll ring again as soon as she tumbles to what she 's done . ’
11 Do n't listen , anyone , to what she 's saying , she denies it .
12 I said to Celia how many she thinks she can do a day , she thinks about two thousand , depending on what she 's doing .
13 I do n't think she should have been given a custodial sentence , but a community service to make her think about what she 's done .
14 She has n't said anything about what she 's working on , but give me time .
15 But a woman , who , when her own needs are n't met , and when she 's slowly disintegrating , is not going to be able to give very much to the children , or give as much as she could , so it makes sense , if she 's really concerned about those children , that she will put , quite often , her own needs above them in order to get her act together , so that she 's in control and feels good about what she 's doing so she 'll be able to give more .
16 April 's pursuing compensation though no amount of mony can make up for what she 's lost .
17 I despise your grandmother for what she did — for what she 's put Corosini through .
18 Your daughter Vanessa , judging by what she 's learnt this term , has no hearing-organs at all . ’
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