Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] was going [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He was n't at all sure that he wanted a good view of whatever was going on inside the house .
2 erm , and they did remarkably well , you know , taking it over , they were really very acceptable at the end , but the whole programme had this sub-plot of how antagonistic most of the prison officers were , not all of them , cos they obviously has some support to keep it going , but a lot of them were antagonistic towards what was going on , and not only that but just the the prison system , you know , this chap got transferred from one prison to another , when he was mid-way through rehearsals , you know , I mean why should n't he have stayed there ,
3 By the time the Warriors had reached the objective , the riflemen in the back had been sufficiently aware of what was going on around them to know that their own survival would depend on the spirit of fight they could produce .
4 There were lots of dealers there and lots of dope going around and David , to some extent anyway , seemed slightly an outsider , being very quiet and just arranging the gigs , but he was never really a part of what was going on .
5 Ken Pitt : ‘ I think the great problem was David was always very insecure and because he was n't achieving the renown he wanted , like most artists he began to worry , bearing in mind that David was now living at Haddon Hall with a few of his friends , all of whom were unaware of what was going on in the office and how we were planning David 's career , what progress we were really making .
6 Having thus effectively stopped the Plans dead in their tracks , he then proceeded , in the name of the President , to dry up the outward flow of all planning information from Detroit , so that , from that moment on , only he and members of the world planning group would be aware of what was going on , worldwide , at the planning stage .
7 Like so many others , this woman was acting purely on the basis of her naïve belief in Hitler 's good intentions and ignorance of what was going on .
8 The English ambassador — and the English king — no doubt found the spectacle of what was going on in Scotland rather less surprising than Sir George Douglas .
9 In that instant she realised the whole shocking weirdness of what was going on .
10 That fear was a very real one and , in view of his connections at a high level , it is probable that he was aware of what was going on .
11 It was just Beethoven 's sense of what was going on outside triumphing over our own .
12 Sewell was a dedicated surgical operator , although he was sometimes greatly inconvenienced by the disorderly conduct of students crowding and jostling each other for even a glimpse of what was going on .
13 One day Leonie 's employer had got wind of what was going on , sacked Leonie and placed a telephone call to Victor Nicholson , the ignorant , ill-tempered manufacturer Hugo was contracted to at the time .
14 She may perhaps have felt a little out of place but she articulates a rare understanding of what was going on in the place , all underpinned by an almost total recall of the fascinating minutiae of day-to-day events .
15 Luckily the driver had some idea of what was going on — and managed to escape assassination .
16 When the Manchester thing was happening we did ‘ The Beast Inside ’ because we did n't want to be part of what was going on .
17 Wordsworth had some idea of what was going on , as he had prepared himself for this second visit by reading pamphlets , and probably had a letter of introduction to Brissot ; but at first he was only sentimentally affected by the ideals of the Revolution .
18 Although Hank was obsessed with his own problems , he was well aware of what was going on in his mother 's head .
19 It may help us to understand some of the subsequent developments better if first we have an impression of what was going on in the University of Utah chemistry department in 1988 , up to and around the time of the interaction with Jones .
20 One of the reasons Loop fell to bits was because we lost control of what was going on and did too many stupid things .
21 America was fascinated by the Russians ' presence in their prettiest city , and duly ignored the real significance of what was going on .
22 After a while the Marshal climbed the stairs in the hope of getting an idea of what was going on .
23 It was very hard to imagine what he made of what was going on .
24 No sense of a sharing in the social meaning of what was going on emerges , and we daresay the unfortunate teacher , with whose plight we do indeed sympathize , did not have the faintest idea what was afoot .
25 Standing behind them looking at the steaming urn on the barrow , I felt worse than hungover ; it was a mixture of too little sleep , being hot and unwashed , completely unaware of what was going on , and worst , I was hungry .
26 If they were implicated in the cover-up it seemed inconceivable that the President had been unaware of what was going on .
27 He also noticed a reduction in Miss T. 's awareness of what was going on around her and mentioned it to the nursing staff who told him that it was the effect of the drugs .
28 The sounds of what was going on in the box were being relayed out into the laboratory where Gedanken was , but nothing happening in the laboratory was getting through to the beetles in the box .
29 Rory had waited with the older man — silent for quarter of an hour apart from a whispered hello and a quick explanation of what was going on — until the herd of deer appeared , brown shapes on the brown hill .
30 In evolving PNP policy , therefore , officers consulted no more than a few carefully chosen heads , leaving the rest ignorant and deeply suspicious of what was going on .
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