Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 The whole circle , containing 360 , represents the total amount of whatever it is that is being divided up , in this case the total cost of manufacturing .
2 Once they 've , you 've got their clothing off they can probably stand in a shower , but remember to take their boots off or whatever or shoes of because if you do n't they 're going to stand in a , in a dilute solution of whatever it is that 's being absorbed by the skin .
3 The type of answer required will be given by the answerer 's perception of what it is that is making the questioner curious .
4 And that takes us to the question of what it is that might be going on behind the screen — a question which leads not only forward and to Ulysses and beyond , but backwards , into a reconsideration of Dubliners and The Portrait of the Artist .
5 I 'll be here when you get back , the way I always am , and I 'll cooperate with whatever it is that 's so important to you .
6 Sorry , Benny ; I 've been trying to communicate with — with whatever it is that 's up there .
7 Erm finally erm I 've come down with whatever it is that 's going around and erm you 'll notice that my voice is even more gravelly than normal erm I hope it holds out erm for the duration of this lecture .
8 The difference between this and the more probabilistic version of determinism is in what it is that is seen as being responsible for the ‘ looseness ’ of the association .
9 In the absence of the big idea , one good phrase would be a help , something to focus the uncertain and suggestible mood of the country and put its finger on what it is that is missing and wanted after 10 years of Mrs Thatcher .
10 The player 's manager will have no objection to whatever it is that is guiding McCoist staying firmly on course this evening .
11 The first point to emphasise is that there is very little disagreement amongst any of the theorists outlined here about what it is that is to be analysed .
12 I myself put my faith in diazepam I 've got gram diazepam which is very slight , very small dose and is enough just to stop you caring so much about whatever it is that 's really bugging you .
13 Let's , we 've got to look at what it is that management are making a mess of .
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