Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [pron] be be " in BNC.

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1 Most clients are first time offenders who are ignorant of their rights and the process through which they are being put ( Thomas and Smith 1978 ) .
2 The incident log file will contain a report of all modules which could be entered into LIFESPAN together with the associated DC number and the name of the package through which it is being entered .
3 Yet many names do not believe that the losses for which they are being asked to stump up were incurred just through bad luck .
4 Gooch 's men must accept their lot and get on with a job for which they are being paid around £20,000 a man .
5 b ) Time scale : different forecasting methods will have different value according to the time scale for which they are being applied .
6 But , employing the commercial sobriety for which they were being approached , they all refused .
7 Essential oils need to be diluted at a rate of ½ to 3 per cent , depending on the person 's skin , the strength of the essential oil and the condition for which it is being applied .
8 any motor vehicle when it is being used for fire brigade , ambulance or police purposes or for defence purposes ( including civil defence purposes ) if compliance with this Regulation would hinder or be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion
9 the laying , erection , alteration or repair in or near to any road of any sewer , or any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports or of the apparatus of any electric transport undertaking if , in any such case , compliance with this Regulation would hinder or be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion .
10 No definition is inherently and necessarily ‘ correct ’ , it depends on the reasons and purposes for which it is being used .
11 Pat Booth 's useful Report writing states that certain decisions have to be made in writing a report , including a ) the purpose for which it is being written b ) the specific topic c ) the precise message to be delivered d ) the appropriate structure e ) suitable length and format f ) the right vocabulary , style and tone g ) the amount and kind of supporting evidence and data .
12 You can ask them either just as they are or use them as a basis for formulating questions that are particularly related to the job for which you are being interviewed .
13 To show her the evil of her ways , the evil for which she was being punished .
14 They are not going to do anything to the rights of way in spite of what they are being asked to do by the
15 erm if people do n't actually read the policies erm they wo n't be fully aware of what they 're being offered .
16 Divorcee Mrs Robinson was arrested in April , 1989 , and while awaiting trial , she said she had only the vaguest idea of what she was being accused .
17 Suddenly she felt confused , uncertain of what she was being accused of and equally uncertain of how to defend herself .
18 There is no serious dissent from the general proposition that we should have a system which combines a thorough examination of all individual claims , a clear exposition of the criteria against which they are being assessed , all proper speed and then a clear decision , whether positive or negative , and an effective right of appeal before removal for those whose claims have been rejected .
19 The foreground of Burton 's life is so vivid that it is easy to forget the dramatic and hugely influential background against which it is being played out .
20 ‘ That is why I share the disquiet now widespread in the party at the speed with which we are being assured the leadership is settled . ’
21 He is too relaxed for all the questions with which he is being bombarded , and full of wonder at how golfers such as Nicklaus and Watson have coped with it for all these years .
22 The greenhouse effect is deeply in danger of being Branaghed largely because of the mind-numbing saturation with which it is being covered .
23 After Dunkirk , pacifists concentrated , not on stopping the war , but on trying to ameliorate the barbarism with which it was being conducted .
24 This section has been concerned with outlining policies aimed at freeing the underclass from the political , economic and social apartheid into which they are being pushed .
25 It has often and justly been observed that real indoctrination goes undetected except by those who for other reasons have cause to question the content of the beliefs and values into which they are being pushed .
26 a summary of the mechanisms of the transaction and the regulations under which it is being undertaken ; and
27 When an owner of property against whom an order has been made under the Act comes into this court and complains that there has been some irregularity in the proceedings , and that he is not liable to have his property taken away , it is right , I think , that his case should be entertained sympathetically and that a statute under which he is being deprived of his rights to property should be construed strictly against the local authority and favourably towards the interest of the applicant , in as much as he for the benefit of the community is undoubtedly suffering a substantial loss , which in my view must not be inflicted upon him unless it is quite clear that Parliament has intended that it shall .
28 The idea of a postmodern culture refers , however , to a way of life in which signs and forms of communication have largely become separated from content and from the specific contexts in which they are being projected and received .
29 More specifically , we can ask what implications are carried by the sentences about the contexts in which they are being used .
30 Grant 's responsibilities at John Dickinson provided him with a wide knowledge of the paper manufacturing processes used throughout the world and the way in which they were being improved .
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