Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [noun] was the " in BNC.

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1 She and Lee were never close colleagues but as WEA tutor-organiser she continued to play a key role in attracting students to her short courses and from these developed a few Tutorial Classes for which Lee was the tutor .
2 The 1.53 per cent and 1.57 per cent growth rates attributed to labour during the two periods consisted of quantitative changes ( increase in the size of the labour force and decrease in working hours per week ) and qualitative changes of labour of which education was the most important , an estimate of 0.35 per cent and 0.67 per cent respectively .
3 The date , and the exiled place of composition of its authors , suggests tellingly that the situation with which it attempts to deal is the phenomenon of fascism which seemed to have stopped in its tracks the long march of the progress of reason , and its liberating enlightenment ideals , of which Marxism was the fullest political development .
4 All these things were signs of the elaboration and growth of the economic order of which Europe was the centre in 1880 .
5 In a nation which is as sports-crazy as Brazil , and which has produced a number of greatly distinguished drivers , of which Emerson was the first world champion , the interest is hardly surprising .
6 Sabine Sheehan ( 21 ) was elected the German ‘ Rose of Tralee ’ last month in a competition of which Guinness was the chief sponsor .
7 CD 's second novel , written for serialization in Richard Bentley 's monthly magazine , Bentley 's Miscellany , of which CD was the first editor , the first instalment appearing in the second issue of Feb. 1837 .
8 The international exhibition of Chinese art held at Burlington House in 1935–6 , of which David was the chief instigator and director , fulfilled his ambition of showing items from the Chinese imperial collection together with the best of western collections .
9 In November it was announced that exports of coffee — of which Angola was the fourth largest producer in the world before independence — were less than half those expected .
10 But the full anthem was gradually making way for the verse anthem , of which Gibbons was the outstanding master .
11 Henry knew nothing about the new papal anathemas of which Anselm was the bearer , and he immediately required him first to renew the homage which he had done to Rufus , and then to consecrate his chancellor William Giffard to the bishopric of Winchester , with which he had invested him on his coronation day .
12 They thus represented a specific stage in the history of the revolutionary movement as a whole — that of the largely non-gentry , déclassé radicals , or raznochintsy , of which Chernyshevskii was the archetypal figure .
13 January marked the successful completion of the EC funded EVEREST Project ( ESPRIT 962E ) of which RAL was the leading contractor .
14 he joined the Chinese Maritime Customs Service of which Hart was the head .
15 Six people died on May 26 in the north-western town of Bamenda at a demonstration organized by an illegal opposition group , the newly founded Social Democratic Front ( SDF ) , one of whose leaders was the dissident writer Albert Mukong .
16 Pauline , the highlight of whose round was the eagle with which she followed a wind-tossed triple-bogey at the 12th , brought news of how she had been attacked by a couple of bitches .
17 Secondly , on the basis of what knowledge was the decision taken ?
18 Of what use was the truth , she asked herself bitterly , when it could so easily be turned against her ?
19 Of what use was the truth ?
20 Chapter 3 described the web of relationships of pre-colonial societies in which kinship was the prime determinant of obligation and responsibility .
21 On 8 May 1992 in the High Court , Judge Monier-Williams , sitting as a judge of the Family Division , had taken his seat in court in order to hear a wardship summons in proceedings in which M. was the plaintiff .
22 Throughout the greater part of the nineteenth century , most people were averse to official intervention in social and family affairs and the Victorian age can be seen as an era in which individualism was the leading social ethic .
23 The twice world champion 's case was considered by Lightman immediately after one in which Higgins was the complainant in a disrepute charge against his former manager , Howard Kruger , who resigned from the association 's board last weekend .
24 In which year was the House of Commons first televised ?
25 In which year was the first issue of BROWNIE published ?
26 In which year was the first television broadcast from Alexandra Palace ? 05 .
27 The idea of empire as a voluntary association in which Britain was the respected senior member and acknowledged guiding force appealed strongly to Irwin 's self-consciously Disraelian political personality .
28 Successive governments have invested billions of pounds since the 1950s in research on the technology , in which Britain was the world leader for many years .
29 At their trial , in which Mathews was the principal prosecution witness , they were all sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommendation they serve not less than twenty years .
30 In which century was the Mansion House built ?
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