Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All treatment was withdrawn for a minimum of two weeks , after which inclusion in the trial depended on a diastolic blood pressure >105 mm Hg .
2 The first of these , the Supervision and Control Commission ( CSC ) , held its first meeting on Nov. 4 , after which membership of the others ( the Commission for the Formation of the Mozambique Defence Armed Forces , the Ceasefire Commission and the Reintegration Commission ) was announced .
3 This assumption turned out to be correct with regard to teachers ' attitudes towards the efficiency of the scheme , about which teachers in the northern schools are much more positive .
4 If the public opinion surveys reveal a near consensus about supporting the monarchy , they frequently reveal division about which members of the Royal Family should be supported financially and , in particular , there is support for the withdrawal of public finance from those members who are perceived as not working hard enough ( see , e.g. Pearson , 1986 : 227ff . ) .
5 In this case , although people were selective about which bits of the past they emphasized ( concentrating on state-renouncing ) , they did not so much reinterpret the past in the light of their present preoccupations ; rather , they polished an idealized account of rights , with their ancestors as heroes of duty .
6 She resigned finally from the co-operative over a minor political skirmish about which rooms in the shop would be open to men .
7 One almost wonders about which side of the Inquisition he is on .
8 Usually this has been emphasised as an attempt to make a statement about which people in the population are most likely , given other interacting events , to develop psychotic illness ; in fact that is how we initially phrased the question here .
9 In Tallinn , Estonia 's capital , on May 15 around 2,000 members of Estonia 's Russian minority opposed to Estonian independence staged a noisy demonstration during which part of the crowd rushed the gates of the Supreme Soviet building and occupied the courtyard , and briefly succeeded in replacing the Estonian tricolour flying above the building with the red flag of Soviet Estonia .
10 There were a number of bloody incidents , and then a standoff , during which elements of the army fraternized with the insurrectionists .
11 Revolution in 1911 was followed by thirty-eight years of civil conflict during which control of the country was fragmented and China lacked any unified , stable national government .
12 There are various transnational political organizations through which fractions of the TCC operate , for example , the Rotary Club and its offshoots and the network of American Chambers of Commerce that straddles the globe .
13 On last week 's Hard News on Channel 4 , Linda Joyce , the Princess Royal 's former maid , announced the formation of an organisation called Response , through which victims of the yellow press can compare experiences and seek redress .
14 The control structure of any organization consists , by and large , of a definition of the relationships between controllability and responsibility , or more precisely a specification of which managers are responsible for which resources in the organization .
15 Interestingly , in masers , the first electromagnetic wave devices for which equations of the Lorenz type were developed , the problem was that y " in the then best-available cavities was so large compared to y and I " that 2C ( which is in this limit ) was again impossibly high .
16 There are over 50 different methods ; there is little indication of which methods are most suitable for which problems in the original papers .
17 ( 2B ) For the purposes of this Act , the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following ( among others ) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods — ( a ) fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied , ( b ) appearance and finish , ( c ) freedom from minor defects , ( d ) safety , and ( e ) durability .
18 The satellite would be launched by a Russian Proton rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan , in return for which scientists from the Russian Space Research Institute ( IKI ) would have access to the data .
19 But it was also a religious movement : the invasion by Christian knighthood of the infidel world ; it aroused the savagery for which war in the name of religion has so often been the excuse .
20 Alternatively if the process is highly complex the emphasis may be on the pattern of events as indicated by a network of blocks with a specialist symbol indicating the many points within the system for which information for the operator might appear and another symbol for points where he can interfere in the system dynamics ( Fig. 1.27 ) .
21 For Crohn 's disease the best fitting model included a major recessive gene with complete penetrance , for which 7% of the patients are homozygous .
22 He also developed the concept of ‘ assists ’ , whereby detailed records were kept of all international and interbranch assignments , showing which consultant was responsible for which aspect of the search ; those ‘ mentioned in dispatches ’ in this way received due credit .
23 The situation is similar to that for neutron decay , the reaction for which theories of the weak force were first developed .
24 The most that could be offered would be autonomous areas within regional self-government ‘ towards which members of the respective nationalities , scattered all over the country or even all over the world , would gravitate and with which they could enter into relations and free associations ’ — some measure of accommodation to Bauerism .
25 I am delighted that Haringey councillor Ian Willmore has rediscovered the problems of Tottenham and has even taken to pondering the question of which candidate for the Labour leadership is best equipped to tackle these problems ( Letters , 24 April ) .
26 Feargal bought her ticket , made sure she understood the map of which part of the mountain was hers to search , and then pointed her in the right direction .
27 The Piazza , of which critics of the new paving say that the flat grey expanse is looking increasingly like linoleum , and its monuments , are now emerging from their lengthy cleaning and restoration campaign .
28 It was they who introduced and developed the political vocabulary in terms of which protagonists of the Left interpreted the revolutionary drama .
29 Patients presenting with clinical evidence of gastrointestinal haemorrhage were endoscoped urgently , the source of bleeding identified , and appropriate treatment instituted including endoscopic sclerotherapy irrespective of which arm of the trial they had been randomised to .
30 First , context suggests the sort of thing that might be said ( the crash was on a border , so the question of which side of the border something will happen on is appropriate ) .
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