Example sentences of "[prep] [be] make of the " in BNC.

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1 How is the story to be unfolded ? ls use to be made of the strictly ordered oldfashioned scènes and pas d'action , variations and/or divertissements ?
2 Before the new holes were commissioned the best had to be made of the shortened course , such as the 2nd also playing as the 17th .
3 The X-rays were quickly ( and accidentally ) found to penetrate living tissue and leave shadows of the less penetrable denser parts , allowing X-ray pictures to be made of the skeleton .
4 In fastening the strips together to construct any model , choice has to be made of the correct size of nut and bolt involving both sorting , matching and then screwing .
5 Further , he was not satisfied that the application of s 2(8) to the use to be made of the transcript would fetter the SFO 's investigative powers , as ( once the existence of facts disclosed by the transcript became known ) these could be proved by other means .
6 There is one criticism to be made of the Review Panel .
7 Sarah Hare , the youngest daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Hare of Stow Bardolph , Norfolk , was very specific regarding the simplicity of her grave-clothes and coffin , making her wishes abundantly clear in her will of 1743 : ‘ … my coffin to be made of the best Elm lin 'd with a thinn lead with a flap of lead sawder 'd down over me , not to have a nail or any ornament that is not absolutely necessary , except a plate with my coat of arms and with this inscription : They that humble themselves shall be Exalted . ’
8 Sir William dealt with this in his own typical fashion , hanging three Douglas ringleaders there and then , but demanding a like example to be made of the Hamiltons , which was scarcely equitable , since the Douglases had started it all and were three times as numerous as their hereditary foes .
9 It seems clear that , with careful safeguards , we need some legal machinery , similar to the provision of Place of Safety Orders for children , by which an old person could be received into residential care for their own protection , at least for a limited period of time , which would afford a breathing space for all concerned and enable a proper assessment to be made of the situation — including the wishes of the old person once they were out of the violent or neglectful environment .
10 The arsenic data subset for North Wales has been specially prepared , in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Canada , to enable an assessment to be made of the use of arsenic in water as a pathfinder for the detection of precious-metal mineralisation and of potential natural and anthropogenic environmental hazards .
11 Is the more optimistic forecast to be made of the dutiful immature girl who has some mildly appreciative responses , knows her books and has paid careful attention to what she has been told to think , but who has few independent ideas and writes with neither firmness nor joy ; or of the mature and independent boy , who may not have studied his notes or perhaps his texts so thoroughly , but who has a sense of relevance , whose judgements are valid , who writes with assurance and betrays in his style … that he has made a genuine engagement with the literature he has encountered ?
12 For instance , professional mathematicians often prefer the phrase " ring of integers " to " collection of all integers " , even when no use is to be made of the ring structure : the algebraic terminology gives a more complete , a more faithful picture .
13 The magnetic field generated in the Moon by the action of the solar wind enables the electrical currents flowing in the Moon to be deduced , and this enables rough estimates to be made of the internal temperatures , the higher the temperatures the greater the currents for a given solar wind field .
14 It enables accurate determinations to be made of the elastic constants of anisotropic materials and in principle all the elastic constants can be found .
15 This is a specialisation according to the use to be made of the language by the learner .
16 The ability to break down the analysis by location and function enabled assessments to be made of the likely organisational consequences of a given set of boundaries as well as the effect on the overall and grade specific grading changes .
17 This study should allow a reliable assessment to be made of the importance of this factor in the context of classroom computing .
18 It should permit an appraisal to be made of the relative impact of aggregate demand and the supply side on output and employment in the British economy .
19 He has been able to formulate a general model which encompasses existing models and enables tests to be made of the robustness of the results reported in The Population History of England by varying the projection parameters .
20 Here landscape regions were identified which permitted an investigation to be made of the social and economic effects of land ) use patterns , and which allowed the territorial organisation of the period to be set within its geographical framework .
21 In mid-May Qatar and Iran were reported to have signed six agreements on areas of co-operation including air traffic , customs and the exchange of news ; a study was to be made of the feasibility of Iran supplying Qatar with fresh water through a pipe across the Gulf .
22 A careful analysis needs to be made of the work of the Sixth Form Art students , ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ Level , and methods considered to improve this course .
23 It allows a choice to be made of the tuples in a relation and takes a horizontal subset of an existing table .
24 This allowed an evaluation to be made of the possible effect pre-entry study on performance .
25 Together with radiometric age determinations of the most recent eruptive episode , such reconstructions enable estimates to be made of the amount of material eroded over a known period of time .
26 If the parties , when they wish something to be made of the essence , say so in terms , then obviously it is of the essence if they do say so , and the probability is , that where they do not say so , it is not intended to be of the essence ( Amherst v Walker ( James ) Goldsmith & Silversmith Ltd ( 1980 ) 254 EG 123 ) .
27 Keeping your head above water is half the secret in sport and young Karen Rake seems to be made of the right stuff .
28 Dr David Morris of Newcastle University A MAJOR new study is to be made of the health of pre-school children on Teesside and Wearside .
29 Further promoter deletions have not been analysed for the murine NF-L gene to permit a functional comparison to be made of the minimal regulatory sequences that are needed for neuronal-specific expression in human and mouse genes .
30 While supporting the general thrust of the strategy and its emphasis on the importance of transport to the regeneration of the regions , the CIT 's response also comments on the absence to date of an effective structure that could apply any available EC funding and carry a regional strategy forward , as well as on the need both for considerable investment in public transport and for the best use to be made of the existing transport infrastructure in serving proposed strategic development sites .
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