Example sentences of "[prep] [art] long [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If it had n't been for the long hair and the high heels , we 'd have thought we had a squaddie on our hands .
2 Their existence is thus the reason for the long memory and slow approach to self-preservation mentioned in Section 21.1 .
3 The hon. Gentleman knows that I believe that the Iraqi people will be safeguarded for the long term and enable the international community to give long-term development aid to that country only when Saddam Hussein is no longer at the helm in Baghdad .
4 The crews were given caffeine tablets to keep them awake during the long flights and sometimes we managed to get hold of a few .
5 Scottie loved travelling and behaved splendidly during the long drives and sailing periods .
6 One or two of the local gentry would be entering the wrestling ; several were in the horse races , although events such as the long leap and the high leap attracted less fashionable clients .
7 About 50mm depth should be left between the long walls and garage floor , for the covering planks to rest on when the pit is not in use .
8 Twenty metres or so from the grass-packed hill which looks over the Rabbit Grounds I switched to Silent Running , pacing stealthily through the long weeds and reeds , careful not to let anything I was carrying make a noise .
9 Noah 's faith was persistent ; through the taunts of unbelievers as he worked ; through the rainstorm ; through the tragedy of knowing that men and women were dying in the flood ; through the long days and nights waiting for the next stage , as the waters went down .
10 For all that , it had the feel of a city wakening up after a long sleep and beginning to shake off decades of despair .
11 I was only about five and a half when she too died after a long illness and one of my earliest recollections is riding in the well , at the foot of her bath-chair when she went out for constitutionals .
12 If you are taken to Harmondsworth after a long journey and several hours of interrogation by Immigration Officers , there is nowhere for you to lie down and rest .
13 Jenna did n't know if he meant that they had finally arrived after a long journey or if he was reliving his youth here , claiming his past again .
14 The air was permeated with Moorlake 's own particular smell , a blend of wood-smoke , of beeswax , of damp , of her aunt 's home-made potpourri in the big bowl on the table , of age , a characteristic scent of which Sara was always aware when she entered the house after a long absence but pane and , idly , Sara tried to open the window .
15 Music played softly in the background as they stood on either side of the hearth , smiling uncertainly at one another like former lovers reunited after a long absence and wondering whether they still had anything in common .
16 The guilt she felt in depriving him of any pleasure was like a stitch in her side , yet the thought of the long day and the long drive were beyond acceptance .
17 A member of the Bouchier family served under Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold , and later in the reign of Charles I , Sir John Bouchier was a member of the Long Parliament and one of those responsible for the King 's death .
18 His private papers , which include a diary of the first year of the Long Parliament and copies of his speeches , are contained among the Tanner manuscripts .
19 He had half-expected that the response would be a thrust of the long spurs and a head-down gallop for the open , and those ahead had orders to bring down the horse if Isambard tried it ; but instead he stirred gently in the saddle and brought his mount edging forward in obedience to the order , dancing restively past the quivering arrow , and almost abreast of Owen 's hiding-place .
20 Britta shook her hair free of the long fingers and their slow stroking .
21 The mid 70s soccer hooligan of fact and fable would most likely have some approximation of the long back and sides , short top & fringe .
22 In spite of the long hours and sense of being almost constantly on call it was n't all work at Howard .
23 Like the long spade , the graft has a rounded blade but this is longer than that of the long spade and the taper is sharper .
24 ENGLISH law governing remedies for interference with goods is exceedingly technical , partly because of the long survival and overlap of a number of different heads of liability and partly because the law , though tortious in form , is largely proprietary in function .
25 What of the long menus and , the everlasting sameness of the food ?
26 At this moment a lion bursts out of the long grass and bush and leaps on a warrior .
27 We may contrast these with the broadening , expansive effect of the long vowels and monosyllables in " enormous dome of the sky " ( 3 ) .
28 The heads of insects are broadly divisible into three types ( Fig. 6 ) depending on the inclination of the long axis and the position of the mouthparts .
29 I leaned forward , put my thumb under my lip and jerked it up to give him a close-up view of the long gash and the trailing blood-stained ends of the stitches .
30 Because of the long gestation and lactation periods , the interval between calving is usually at least two or three years .
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