Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 No policies or guidance for the Disabled had been drawn up .
2 In Holland , for example , an impressive manual for traffic provisions for the handicapped has been written to provide central government advice to municipalities , yet tests of facilities on the ground indicate that the manual may have to be revised and a new policy for provision worked out .
3 He also spearheaded a £180,000 project to provide an art and resource centre Menro House and his advice on musical drama for the handicapped has been sought from all over the UK .
4 The production model for the 1990s has been cleaned up and now looks a lot smarter , particularly at the front .
5 Council tax levels ranging from 294 for the lowest value property band to 882 for the highest have been proposed by Lothian Regional Council 's Finance Committee .
6 But during the last decade the challenge of achieving expanding opportunities for the many has been ignored — instead , the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few .
7 This centre for the elderly has been broken into four times in two years .
8 The charity for the elderly has been forced to reduce some of its activities at Whyte House on the Waterside due to lack of funds .
9 WORK to turn an empty block of flats into homes for the elderly has been given the go-ahead .
10 What to do for the best has been the subject of much discussion at local aquatic societies over the years .
11 Orders for the Olympian have been received from the independent operator , Stagecoach , while a contract to supply 50 buses to Kowloon Motor Bus company marks Irvine 's first foray into overseas markets .
12 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
13 West Belfast Action for the Unemployed has been active on the punitive effects of social security policies on unemployed people in the area .
14 Traditional local economic policies developed during the 1970s have been replaced by two new forms of economic strategy , labelled by observers ‘ restructuring for capital ’ and ‘ restructuring for labour ’ .
15 In fact , the average during the 1980s has been nearer 50 per cent .
16 The lawyer insisted that relations between the two had been normal .
17 These revealed that over the past three years , the £700m gap between the two had been reduced to £400m to £500m .
18 Relations between the two had been severed in March 1987 following Tunisian accusations that Iran was supporting Islamic groups opposed to the then President Habib Bourguiba .
19 In practice the relationship between the two has been all too cosy .
20 Althusser 's rereading of Marx can thus be as usefully considered in the context of theories of the history of science as of structuralism ; a certain conflation between the two has been possible because both were opposed to humanistic and phenomenological theories of knowledge in general and to historicism in particular .
21 Montgomery made a timely intervention through Sneddon after the latter had been put through by Kerr .
22 Although the ‘ swingingness ’ of the 1960s had been absent in the 1970s and 1980s , drug-taking had increased among young and old alike ( 'coke' if you were middle-class , glue-sniffing if you were poor ) , and so too had alcoholism .
23 So , gradually and inexorably , the teacher autonomy of the 1960s has been replaced by teacher accountability .
24 However , the acceleration in the rate of decline which appears to have occurred in the second half of the 1960s has been lessened by the payment of investment grants . ’
25 In fact , some members of the Six had been more positive than Britain about the potential of WEU .
26 To a considerable extent the Europe of the Six had been a Christian Democrat creation .
27 Whereas neither the statutes of 1816 – 19 which freed the peasants of the Baltic provinces nor the south-western " inventory reform " of the 1840s had been included in the Complete Collection of the Laws , in late 1857 the government went public with major plans before they had even been finalized .
28 Some of the smallest have been found at West Stow , perhaps because of the weakness of the sandy subsoil on which it was built ( Figure 2.4 ) .
29 The residence of the Metropolitan had been transferred here from Vladimir and Ivan III ( the Great ) , 1462 — 1505 , had the wooden buildings of the Kremlin largely rebuilt in more durable materials .
30 ‘ As I dealt with the conditions and consequences of affluence , ’ he explained , ‘ under which the existence of the poor had been buried , the poverty I had set out to write about got pushed further and further towards the back of the book .
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