Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 No policies or guidance for the Disabled had been drawn up .
2 The lawyer insisted that relations between the two had been normal .
3 These revealed that over the past three years , the £700m gap between the two had been reduced to £400m to £500m .
4 Relations between the two had been severed in March 1987 following Tunisian accusations that Iran was supporting Islamic groups opposed to the then President Habib Bourguiba .
5 Montgomery made a timely intervention through Sneddon after the latter had been put through by Kerr .
6 Although the ‘ swingingness ’ of the 1960s had been absent in the 1970s and 1980s , drug-taking had increased among young and old alike ( 'coke' if you were middle-class , glue-sniffing if you were poor ) , and so too had alcoholism .
7 In fact , some members of the Six had been more positive than Britain about the potential of WEU .
8 To a considerable extent the Europe of the Six had been a Christian Democrat creation .
9 Whereas neither the statutes of 1816 – 19 which freed the peasants of the Baltic provinces nor the south-western " inventory reform " of the 1840s had been included in the Complete Collection of the Laws , in late 1857 the government went public with major plans before they had even been finalized .
10 The residence of the Metropolitan had been transferred here from Vladimir and Ivan III ( the Great ) , 1462 — 1505 , had the wooden buildings of the Kremlin largely rebuilt in more durable materials .
11 ‘ As I dealt with the conditions and consequences of affluence , ’ he explained , ‘ under which the existence of the poor had been buried , the poverty I had set out to write about got pushed further and further towards the back of the book .
12 By April 1984 Morrissey and Marr 's passion for the barefoot waif of the sixties had been well documented .
13 They were also dismayed that the popular Labour Party of the sixties had been hijacked by the greedy unions .
14 The lives of the great had been the main subject of their stories , in romance , in drama , and subsequently in the novel .
15 A surgeon testifying before the ICI told of wearing ‘ armoured masks ’ after learning that some of the injured had been shot with bullets designed to re-explode .
16 Modernists of the 1910s had been Latin-lovers , and often enough ( like Pound and Eliot ) immigrants ; Bloomsbury was ardently francophile ; and in the 1930s W. H. Auden and his school , if only to show they were not Modernist and not Bloomsbury , had haunted Hamburg and Berlin and admired German communism .
17 After a four-and-a-half-month trial and several appeals , four of the 16 accused were released .
18 This argued that the original trial of the 14 had been conducted by an unconstitutional court with selected judges and a biased jury and that the evidence presented had been weak and contradictory .
19 This group felt that the community movement of the 1970s had been too romantic , too naive , too easily influenced by the popular educational theories and conventional wisdoms of the decade .
20 At this stage news came of a revolt of the Irish Catholics against the Protestant ascendancy , in which thousands of the latter had been slaughtered .
21 One hundred and thirteen had been born at term and the others at a median gestational age of 32 weeks ( range 24–36 ) ; none of the latter had been discharged from their neonatal unit on additional inspired oxygen .
22 The elder of the two had been coming to the house for nigh on fifteen years .
23 Any chance of the former had been negated by Britain 's failure to topple Nasser at Suez ; and the latter was unlikely for some years because the aircraft did not , as yet , exist ; and the RAF had no real enthusiasm for providing the necessary money to buy them out of Air votes , which they quite naturally wanted to use for combat and not transport aircraft .
24 Although the Times and Sunday Times did not become official UNIP papers until 1975 , the editor of the former had been appointed by the president even before this date .
25 All the same not every lessee was enumerated as a resident of the parish where the land was situated : in Kidderminster Foreign only one out of the five named was .
26 Indeed , several of the researchers noted that their evidence was produced after the plight of the elderly had been drawn to the attention of employers , foremen , and co-workers ( Shenfield 1957 ; Acton Society Trust 1960 ; Fleming 1963 ) .
27 The teds of the fifties had been replaced by the mods , who at first had been a very exclusive , almost secret , underground working class movement .
28 Peace had not brought prosperity , but higher prices , and the normal ranks of the indigent had been swollen by discharged soldiers .
29 Relations between Penda and Oswiu in the years between the death of Oswald and the battle of the Winwaed had been variable .
30 The maiden flight of the A-12 had been scheduled for November 1991 , with a view to the aircraft becoming operational in the mid-1990s .
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