Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 The hunt for the five goes on .
2 Self-help schemes relieve the state of the immediate necessity of providing housing and offer a cheap source of shelter , thus making it possible for the poor to survive on very low incomes ( Burgess 1978 ) .
3 Where the proceedings are in respect of a statutory nuisance within s.92(1) ( c ) , it is a defence under s.94(4) to prove , on a balance of probabilities , ( the burden being on the defendant ) that the accumulation or deposit was necessary for the effectual carrying on of a business or manufacture , was not kept longer than necessary , and that best practicable means were used to prevent them from being prejudicial to health or a nuisance .
4 Just as the Black Power and civil rights movements in the USA during the 1960s focused on where African Americans were allowed to be , either by legislation or through convention , so too a crucial aspect of feminist thought is concerned with whether women are allowed to have a proportionate and equitable bodily presence in ‘ our ’ parliament , council buildings , unions , in the media as journalists , and throughout the hierarchies of all workplaces and organisations — including , of course , in the galleries and the pages of art magazines .
5 As the 1990s draw on , an era of the blues is coming to an end .
6 After Morris came Joe Karam and as the 70s went on and on Mains kept playing to his high level for Southern and Otago , but that All Black place he had held so briefly seemed to get further and further away .
7 As the 1960s rolled on , fundamental weaknesses of the system were revealed , centring on the contradictory role of the dollar .
8 As the 1980s rolled on and the earlier uncertainties about choosing the right task and the right organism receded , consensus began to develop around a small number of such models , with several different groups of researchers each arguing the case for their own new versions of god 's organism .
9 As the 1980s wore on and bore down , institutions were prodded into changing over to commercial management structures .
10 Meanwhile , U2 kicked off their career with Boy , which introduced their scintillating guitar-based sound and the vaguely spiritual approach which would harden progressively into a kind of rock crusade as the Eighties wore on .
11 While Ben Elton and co , the Comic Strip crew and other Comedy Store gag masters emerged into the TV limelight as the Eighties wore on , Paul Merton remained a relatively lesser-known name .
12 The division of the Bohun inheritance produced bad blood between Thomas and Henry Bolingbroke , however , and the disagreement between the two rumbled on throughout Richard II 's reign .
13 Desperate for cash following the Swedish debacle , he was one of the first to take on commercial sponsorship by negotiating a less than lucrative deal with Lovetts Panty Hose Ltd , and solely responsible for the bankrupting record fiasco when , at crippling expense , the team took on the guise of the Whaddon Promotion All Stars , and released a record , Go Go Athletic-O .
14 But she had an even bigger surprise in store — behind the scenes of the first Carry On film in 14 years , she was wooing Jim 's actor son Toby for real .
15 A much fuller theory has been developed of how motions of this type can be generated through the action of the mean shear on initially isotropic fluctuations , but the details are not apparent without the mathematical analysis .
16 The worst thing they ever did was on the leader page , the last one they got rid of the Extended Titling on .
17 This is of flannel : the round part is plaited up to form the front , and a quilling of the bordering put on , a band of the same laid on at the back , and strings . ’
18 Henry was the most appropriate of the three to carry on as miller as he had served his apprenticeship at Healings in Tewkesbury .
19 This is of flannel : the round part is plaited up to form the front , and a quilling of the bordering put on , a band of the same laid on at the back , and strings . ’
20 Spooner 's idea came from an invitation by his actor-neighbour , Jim Dale , to visit the set of the latest Carry On … film at Pinewood — which just happened to be Carry On Cleo .
21 These failures arose not only from Edward 's lack of adequate financial resources , but also from the effectiveness of Philip VI 's resistance and the reluctance of the English to take on the French in pitched battle , as the stand-off at Buironfosse showed .
22 In view of the abrupt falling on in the numbers of husbandmen above £20 , plus the fact that this figure coincides roughly with the wealth of the average yeoman , farmers assessed at and above it can pragmatically be counted as yeomen .
23 The answer emerged in the form of a fascinating take on photographic history called ‘ Multiple Exposure The Group Portrait in Photography ’ seen earlier this year in the art gallery of Wesleyan University and now on view at Zabriskie ( until the 27th ) .
24 ‘ As Emporio spreads and grows , I will concentrate more on doing a few limited pieces for the special clients who buy my signature line , ’ he smiles , betraying a special fondness for those who grudge no expense for a new take on a shoulder-line , a fresh twist to this year 's lapel that simply can not be copied in a less fluid fabric at a lower price .
25 A walkway for the guards , and compartments to separate the convicts into manageable groups , each fitted with small hatches for the dropping of their black bread rations , and unmoveable benches and shelves for a few to sleep on .
26 Looking about him at the great press of people , the escalator that was a river of people flowing on and on , the crowds that streamed down the stairs so that if a train was held up there would be room for no more to squeeze on to the platform , he wondered why a terrorist group had never thought of putting a bomb in the tube .
27 Talks with the Dutch went on , but although the Republicans withdrew their forces behind the new agreed boundaries there was no move to begin the plebiscite in Dutch-occupied areas : to the contrary , on 9 March an interim federal government was installed for their projected United States of Indonesia .
28 The question is in what circumstances the court may , on the application of the S.I.B. , order persons who were knowingly concerned in the unauthorised carrying on of investment business under section 3 of the Act to take steps to restore the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
29 Wee Willie Henderson , Rangers ' wing wizard in the '60s went on to fulfil one of his greatest fantasies when he became an on-course Bookie .
30 Some 4,000 of the 13,000 currency dealers who had flourished in the 1980s struggled on , trading the remaining independent currencies .
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