Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] when the " in BNC.

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1 They need a home where they will be safe from hunting animals such as bears or lynx and they also need a place to store food for the winter when the land is snow-bound .
2 I have never heard of anybody , apart from people who may hope to get good jobs in these bogus new regional authorities , who , thrilled by a weird kind of socialist local patriotism , longs for the day when the flag of the East Midland Region is raised over the Great Roundabout of Retford , or the parliament of the West Midland Region holds its inaugural meeting at Telford New Town .
3 Nor can Colm Henry wait for the day when the whole ‘ chemistry ’ part of photography is done away with .
4 But that does n't mean we ca n't be true Christians in private and keep the Old Faith alive for the day when the Protestants see the error of their ways . "
5 Watch out for the day when the daisies in the grass show their flowers close enough together for you to feel that spring is really here .
6 He sees his life as some kind of a preparation for the day when the George Bushes and Margaret Thatchers of this world are dispatched to refine their political beliefs on welfare benefits in an urban slum .
7 The event , which is set for Sunday May 6th has extra significance this year , as it coincides with the 20th anniversary of the United States ' twentieth tactical fighter wing being based in Oxfordshire , and master sergeant Bill Fonten is predicting even more crowds will turn up for the day when the U S base throws open its doors .
8 Evelyn finished the last letter of the last word and stood perfectly still , ready for the moment when the teacher should turn and see .
9 Not all teachers are closet radicals , though , waiting for the moment when the unbolting of the examination doors will allow them to open up their pedagogical style .
10 He urged them on through the mounting waves until they too reached the Rebecca , and he was able to ram one hole , fill it with pitch , then another , and another , round the hull beneath the overhang of the bows , in a rain of missiles , with fire sizzling around him , and his fellow fighters hanging on , hoping for the moment when the timbers would be ablaze .
11 In some cases doctor 's dentist 's or other appointments will have been made for the Thursdays when the bus failed to arrive .
12 You should arrange a third visit for the time when the agreed schedule has been completed .
13 Each area is reviewed separately for the period when the adults were children , life today and how that same area of life will be when the children of the village become adults .
14 Then I had to save up and buy myself a black dress for the afternoons when the housemaid was out , you see .
15 Actors go there to rest for the summer and then try to get work for the autumn when the little theatres open again .
16 During the winter when the stock were indoors their involvement amounted to one to four hours per day .
17 Hedgehogs have neither the speed nor the manoeuvrability to catch rabbits but I have known them to kill the young in a stop , gaining entrance during the times when the doe has left the stop unsealed just before the young rabbits are moved out .
18 A VERY important part of the Urgent Action technique is the Worldwide Accelerated Response Network ( WARN ) , which allows Amnesty International to initiate immediate appeals during the times when the Urgent Action network is not accessible — late at night , or at weekends .
19 Spadefoots are nocturnal , and their eggs must be laid and fertilised during the night when the pond is relatively cool .
20 It may be the case rather generally that male fieldworkers find it difficult to gain access to a domestic setting particularly if they are visiting women during the day when the man of the house is at work .
21 It was thought that he would be able to rest better during the day when the unit switched to night shooting , but daughter Emma only a few weeks old — had other ideas .
22 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
23 There was no sign of any special or unusual wave pattern during the minutes when the animal was apparently lifeless .
24 Anyone who withdraws more than net interest or pledges the Tessa as security for a loan immediately loses the tax exemption and has to pay tax on all interest credited up to that time as though it were income arising during the year when the withdrawal or pledge took place .
25 And despite their higher incomes , they rarely become rich because their activities are limited to the few months during the year when the climate is favourable for construction work .
26 It was during the war when the convent had been turned into a shrine for Bruckner by a man called Glasmeier .
27 no if I remember rightly , during the war when the only cigarette that had the filter and it was n't a filter , oh it was a
28 Yeltsin was repeatedly in contact with heads of government during the days when the crisis was at its height .
29 Most creeping aquatics are increased from cuttings taken during the spring when the shoots are about 5 cm ( 2 in ) long .
30 Noted for its phenomenal roach catches in the 100–200lbs bracket with specimens over 2lb , the tiny river by Irish standards is at its best during the spring when the huge roach shoals migrate from the nearby loughs in readiness for spawning .
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