Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] had been " in BNC.

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1 The original connections for the panels had been removed from the edge girders in 1951 , and a system of support was introduced for the new panels .
2 Claiming that the climate for the talks had been rendered unsuitable by Team Spirit , the North also cited other factors including the South 's co-operation with the coalition forces in the Gulf war and the suppression of anti-government protests in the South .
3 They renounced the women as sexual objects , even though their desires for the women had been the original motive for killing the father .
4 An indictment , issued by a Californian grand jury on Feb. 23 and kept secret until after the arrests , stated that payment for the krytrons had been authorized by the Iraqi embassy in London .
5 The growth of chains between the wars had been dramatic .
6 Once the width between the eyes had been determined and marked out , George worked on both eyes ; that way , neither eye ends up larger than the other .
7 But Humphreys , who was not legally represented , said the warnings about the chemicals had been sent by fax to a 17year-old trainee at his office who failed to pass them on .
8 Local businessmen felt that all their worst suspicions about the Nazis had been confirmed , though some suspected that the Poles had engineered the crisis in order to introduce the zloty as the new Danzig currency .
9 The 1952 revolution had freed the campesinos from the slavery of the haciendas but the Western practice of dividing and sub-dividing land through the generations had been adopted .
10 The Last of the Mohicans had been his favourite book at the time ; he had insisted on being Hawkeye and Tim Skerritt on being the treacherous Indian , Magua .
11 This latest session of the talks had been suspended on March 28 because of sharp disagreement over when and how the new Bulgarian President should be elected .
12 Officials of the ruling Socialist Party ( PSOE ) observed that central government had contributed just over 50 per cent to the cost of the Games , while the flying of the Catalan flag and the use of Catalan as one of the four official languages of the Games had been agreed at the outset .
13 The lands which formed the military frontier had suffered greatly from the passage of armies in both directions during the fierce fighting of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries , and when the defensive zone was established many of the villages had been depopulated .
14 But now the power of the Lords had been cut down by an Act of Parliament , and they could only postpone the enactment of the Home Rule Bill for two years .
15 He did not openly support the maintenance of the power of the House of Lords to veto legislation but he seemed to do so implicitly since he expressed concern that the authority of the Lords had been ‘ gravely diminished ’ He did , however , explicitly propose the introduction of proportional representation arguing that it ‘ may sometimes secure a hearing in the House of Commons for opinions which , though containing a good deal of truth , command little or comparatively little popularity ’ .
16 If it had n't been so hot , if there had been no row the night before , if Dennis had n't passed out , if I 'd fallen asleep , if any of the others had been there , if Karen had come back later , if she 'd gone straight to the pool rather than taken a shower , if any or all of these had been the case , then intercourse would not have occurred .
17 The rest of the so-called queen 's bishops had all suffered acutely from Edward 's tyranny , and even some of the others had been the targets of at least his threats .
18 Twenty-eight-year old Yvonne is one of the more experienced members of the crew , having taken up sailing J/24s six years ago , and like most of the others had been seduced by the prospect of the round the world challenge after seeing the feature on the British Steel Challenge on the News at Ten .
19 The researchers found that at three weeks of age , 39% of the infants had been exposed to passive smoking from any source .
20 Their only concern was that , in the darkness , one , or more , of the ropes had been loosened too much and it would be noticed when they emerged from the back of the van .
21 The rest of the maids had been threatened with hell-fire and damnation if they breathed a word .
22 Reports now came in that the wreckage of the terminals had been bombed .
23 The last of the mines had been closed around the time of Tace 's birth and the entrances to the shafts had been closed or blocked by rockfalls .
24 For the first three or four days after the Residency had been abandoned a number of the ladies had been employed in making cartridges ; now , because of the shortage of lead for the moulds , the job had been left to Lucy , who had become extraordinarily skilful .
25 Resumption of the discussions had been preceded in June by high-level talks culminating in a June 30 agreement on a framework for further discussions .
26 Boniface was looking back to an age in which the privileges of the churches of the Anglo-Saxons had been untouched and inviolate , or so it was thought , and he saw this age as ending — as he tells Aethelbald — in the time of Ceolred , king of the Mercians , and Osred , king of the Northumbrians ( both of whose reigns ended in 716 ) , whom Boniface accuses of behaving as Aethelbald was now doing and as a consequence of which they both perished miserably .
27 Only two of the masters had been there before the war .
28 In Edgar 's time most of the bishops had been monks ; by the mid eleventh century they were mostly , as in Germany , royal chaplains .
29 Several of the deals had been with Bill Coleby : ‘ Got 2/6 off Coleby for Yugoslav note worth 1s ’ was one which Peter did not remember .
30 Serbs said most of the soldiers had been captured alive and then killed by Muslims .
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