Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] that their " in BNC.

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1 I was able to talk to the farmers about the difficulties that their industry faces at the moment , the need for reform of that industry and the importance that farming will undoubtedly have in the future of our country .
2 Archbishop Ralph 's eloquent letter to the pope had had no effect ; St Augustine 's was throwing off the restraints that their neighbours had succeeded in imposing on them in the past ; and York was poised for a final victory in the matter of the primacy .
3 Britain 's Department of Trade and Industry notified European developers nearly 18 months ago of the problems that their system might cause for people who wear hearing aids .
4 In the succeeding months it became plain that the determination of American leaders to play the key role in shaping the new world order was to clash with the equally determined insistence of the Russians that their interests were of paramount importance over a large part of the globe .
5 The extent and quality of briefing possibly accounts for the overwhelming view of the assistants that their duties were ones which they had expected to be doing when appointed .
6 The key to success in collecting information , however , is not so much the organizational ability of the clearinghouses , but the confidence of the librarians that their information and experience will be disseminated carefully , effectively , and , sometimes , with discretion .
7 Just as they are taught other subjects , they should increasingly be taught about such topics as mental handicap so that they do not grow up with the prejudices that their parents may possess .
8 All of these explanations are predominantly psychologistic in their understandings ( or misunderstandings ) of both teacher thinking and teaching quality ; and they are particular kinds of psychologistic explanation that take very little account of how teachers themselves understand , interpret and deal with the demands that their work situation makes upon them .
9 Then , with confirmation from the counts that their political mouthpiece had performed splendidly at the polls , they turned on Portadown .
10 Rolls-Royce were swift to establish in the courts that their purchase of the trademark Bentley overrode their contract with him , which had banned his own use of his name for ten years only .
11 A QUB woman student , a member of the NDP , recalled having told a group of policemen early in the events that their conditions were as bad as those the demonstrators were protesting about .
12 Many of the women made it clear in the interviews that their concern is not simply to get housework done in the most efficient way and the shortest possible time .
13 In contrast , the Dionysiac chorus , like unconscious actors , enter into and lose themselves in the characters that their collective ecstasy impels them to conjure up .
14 Through discussion or role-play , teachers should seek to provide frequent opportunities for this type to writing to occur , and should respond to the meanings that their pupils strive to convey .
15 Holding solicitors confirm to the others that their client 's part is signed and is identical to the part signed by the other party ; they agree they will forthwith insert in both parts the agreed completion date .
16 There was the contact with friendly adults , but not so close as to suggest to the children that their real parents were being supplanted — a common resentment in foster homes .
17 In a surprisingly bold move , Sir Leon is threatening court action by June against governments in ten countries ( only Germany and Belgium escape ) on the grounds that their state energy monopolies distort cross-border competition in contravention of the EC 's founding Treaty of Rome .
18 The history of the past ten years has seen Labour consistently oppose any change inside the health service and , even more regrettably , has often seen groups inside it resist reform on the grounds that their vested interests are being challenged .
19 For instance , home owners are challenging local authorities ' proposed new contracts on the grounds that their terms are unfair .
20 Last month a Federal judge in Los Angeles found in favour of four performers to whom Mr Frohnmayer had refused grants on the grounds that their acts were sexually explicit .
21 Those paying income tax were excluded on the grounds that their income was already adjusted to family size .
22 They support the FDR-FMLN on a negotiated solution , condemn the role of the United States and have opted for electoral abstention on the grounds that their children have been denied the vote and that therefore the conditions ( or free elections do not exist .
23 This varies from a reluctance to enrol bilingual students onto courses on the grounds that their English is ‘ not good enough ’ through feelings of helplessness at not being able to ‘ get through ’ to bilingual students to a wish to learn about approaches and materials that will enable these students to complete courses and pass examinations .
24 The Civil Authorities ( Special Powers ) Act 1922 enabled the security forces to search and arrest arbitrarily , to detain suspects for up to 48 hours for the sole purpose of interrogation and to break up assemblies of three or more persons on the grounds that their presence might lead to a breach of the peace .
25 The list also contains a very few phrases which apparently have no equivalents ( " soap opera " " Z cars " " facts of life " ) , but are included on the grounds that their constituent words have no relation to the meaning of the phrase .
26 Nine Iranians were on Feb. 1 ordered to leave the UK by Feb. 9 , on the grounds that their conduct was " not conducive to the public good " .
27 Although the government had suggested that anyone who applied would be permitted to make a visit , the Justice Ministry banned at least 42 dissidents from leaving South Korea on the grounds that their visit would " severely hurt national interests " .
28 On March 12 , 1990 , Stoltenberg called for an end to the stationing of battlefield nuclear weapons on West German territory on the grounds that their relevance would be lost with German unification .
29 On Sept. 6 President Bush called on the US Congress , which had reconvened on Sept. 2 , to delay for 120 days its approval of fresh loan guarantees to Israel , on the grounds that their approval would harm prospects for a peace conference .
30 The League , which had already campaigned for nationwide non-payment of taxes , on Oct. 9 caused an further uproar by calling on small savers not to buy treasury bonds on the grounds that their money would be at risk .
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