Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The landladies found the Mites well behaved ; they all had separate tasks for the day , two doing the food shopping for the troupe which the landlady would cook .
2 And he commanded and requested the Christians that they should show great honour to the Moors , and respect them , and greet them when they met : and the Moors thanked the Cid greatly for the honour which the Christians did them , saying that they had never seen so good a man , nor one so honourable , nor one who had his people under such obedience .
3 The case of DEC is tantalising : either the Alpha will do for the company what the VAX 8600 — quickly supplanted by the VAX 8650 — did for it in the 1980s , and the vast installed base of VAX machines will be replaced by Alpha AXPs , giving the company three years of fantastic growth that propel it to $25,000m , or the desperately late Alpha and the new OpenVMS will turn out to have too many bugs and glitches to be trusted , in which case , DEC will be trotting off after IBM .
4 The markets suspect that the horsetrading between the two sides will continue until up to at least Friday week , but that the outcome looks bad for the company whatever the settlement .
5 They would have been less well advised to move from temporary obligation to redemption if they had had to wait for the money which the peasants owed them , but the government realized that peasants were in no position to redeem their obligations overnight and advanced most of the money to which nobles were entitled in the form of interest-bearing bonds .
6 Their very names speak volumes for the unity which the Spirit creates .
7 Thus it will be shown how the changing popularity of a number of theoretical models of the company can be linked to the need to offer an explanation for the power which the company vests in corporate managers .
8 Nor does she have a sense for the impact which the fact that Christ has been seen as male and as part of the Godhead has had on the relations of women and men in western culture .
9 Within the narrative of Greenblatt 's book — opening with him considering the ‘ magic ’ of Shakespeare revivifying the dead in Greenblatt 's own voice , concluding with Greenblatt considering Shakespeare as substitute fetish for the book which the natives believed was stealing their life — this latter story also stands as a type of anecdote or fable about part of New Historicism 's critical enterprise .
10 The guardian must be selected from the panel maintained by the local authority for the area which the court serves .
11 The movement towards integration ( with its social , moral , philosophical and educational overtones ) was to be found in many countries and was part of an international concern for the place which the handicapped occupied in Western society .
12 If the Danish Government was able to distribute 300,000 copies of the Maastricht text through newsagents and libraries , who has decided here , or in Brussels , that the British public should not be allowed to find out for themselves during the election what the small print of the treaty contains ?
13 It would cease to be recognizable as the river which the local people enjoyed , but it would become a very efficient drain , so that their sitting-rooms would no longer be ruined periodically , and farmers with land adjacent to the river would be able to grow more and better crops to feed the very people who were complaining .
14 It said that the acquisition of conventional weapons would be based on the doctrine of " minimum deterrence " , defined as the capability which the states in the region " legitimately need to deter and defend against military aggression " .
15 In the translation , each assertion is about the space which the original task searches .
16 The schools selected varied substantially in their degree of consensus about the concept of education and the pedagogy appropriate to it , and about the form which the project-related curriculum development was to take .
17 Despite occasional misgivings , however , he was optimistic enough to speculate about the form which the next Labour Government might take …
18 The hon. Gentleman makes a valid point about the regime which the hon. Member for Edinburgh , Leith ( Mr. Brown ) appears to admire .
19 The difficulty of interpreting results of written tests , the time-consuming nature of individual interviews , and uncertainty about the task which the pupil is actually attempting to solve , have also been discussed under the heading ‘ Diagnostic assessment ’ .
20 Stansill was not one of the extroverts of the underground , but what he did bring was method , in an environment with hardly any , and a philosophical view about the alternative which the underground could offer .
21 This implies of course that the infinitive event 's realization by the subject has to constitute sufficiently significant information about the referent which the latter refers to for the sentence to be worth uttering .
22 She was also worried about the effect which the publicity might have on W. 's younger brother as well as on W. herself .
23 Secondly make sure that you are not interrupted during the meeting and have a rough idea about the format which the interview should follow .
24 I think what 's very striking about the report which the students ' union have recently published and are circulating around the university , is the extent to which they have tended to define sexual harassment as being as much or at least as much a problem between students , a problem of behaviour between students and a problem of the sort of atmosphere in the colleges in terms of how that affects how peoples lives feel and and how they are how their behaviour what sort of behaviour is acceptable .
25 Although the immediate effects were small , the ultimate consequences were immense : Through the door which the Reform Act opened came important social and administrative reforms .
26 Leeds could pass a side out of the game and dominate through the midfield something the scum are YET TO DO even with scumtona .
27 He whipped off the rag which the wind caught and blew against one of the spiked heads .
28 It is the evaluators ' conclusion that the creation of such a framework may well be imminent , but through the period of the evaluation itself the existing arrangements can not be said to have been adequate .
29 But these Portuguese lived in an age when Christian burnt Christian to save souls , and their Jesuit missionaries now condemned the doctrine and ritual of the Church which the Portuguese troops had helped to save .
30 ( a ) it was felt that insufficient information had been given on the extent of the problem which the proposal was intended to address ( i.e. had any claims resulted from solicitors acting in these circumstances ? ) ;
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