Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] it could " in BNC.

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1 For sure Cabinets were made and unmade on the floor of the House , but the Cabinet for its part could unmake the House of Commons because it enjoyed the right to ask for a dissolution and after the election it could look for support from amongst members in a new House of Commons .
2 The latter practice was discouraged because of the damage it could cause to the roof of the tunnel .
3 At the meeting er , of the Financial Resources Committee that I attended on Wednesday the first thing we discussed was the er the giving so far , up to the end of February from the various provinces and we , by the end of February er , the total was up to thirty thousand pounds less than we required er which could mean that the end of the year it could be a hundred and eighty thousand pounds less than required but er of all the
4 Despite the fact that this is a work of reference aimed unashamedly at the scholar and the collector , given the reputation of the author and the status of the museum it could surely have been subsidised ( possibly by the Getty Grant Program or , dare one say it , by the University itself ) .
5 Whatever the shape of the cavity it could be adequately filled with ball bearings .
6 Should an accident seriously damage one of the craft it could take years to gear up specialised production lines to build the larger replacement parts .
7 By the end of the decade it could claim only eight seats out of sixty-four on the council , and was a negligible influence in municipal affairs .
8 The most obvious example of the significance it could have is Frederick II 's invasion of Saxony in August 1756 .
9 Even stilled , the great pistons were ample evidence of the power it could unleash , driving it like the mighty wheels of a train .
10 Place between strips of stocking stitch at the base of the sweater it could be a fascinating imitation of a traditional Aran Fisherman 's sweater welt .
11 In the past this was vitally important because of the effect it could have on trade .
12 The case itself was decided on the basis that the ownership of a business was not transferred to the transferee employer , but even under the organisational test of the Directive it could be said that the business did not preserve its identity : the same machines were being used , but in a different business .
13 Chapman 's final advice to Clough is not to linger too long in the job because of the toll it could take upon him .
14 The chief secretary warned of the trouble it could cause if Eva moved the family .
15 But if we went out of the cup it could cost us more in lost revenue .
16 As a result it could become the first estate in the area to have a 20mph speed limit introduced .
17 As a result it could be argued that , in a context of relatively low unionization , the imposition of minimum service levels provides the unions with a guaranteed degree of success with strike action .
18 Yes , of course : but the change of definition and the explanation advanced in support of the change serve rather to emphasise the reality that , after 1834 , emergent trade unionism moved towards a juncture with the system it could not supplant .
19 This is a very sinister way to end , leaving you to imagine whether this girl will suffer the same fate , and with the feeling it could be you next , and the collector will never stop .
20 The programme highlighted the importance of providing an effective ‘ vapour barrier ’ ( usually a skin of plastic sheeting ) behind the internal plasterboard surface — if moisture from inside the home seeped into the cavity it could rot the timber frame .
21 If it is likely that the Purchaser has to inject money into the business it could end up losing more than it paid if there is a total disaster and the Vendor 's liability is limited in this way .
22 You felt that if the right component was put into the equation it could help tackle them all . ’
23 Variable travel times were calculated , including the time it could take for part-timers to get to their station .
24 And it confronted the tsarist regime with a challenge it could not withstand .
25 Viewed from the front it could be any make ; it 's from behind that it establishes a look of its own with a high , rounded tail .
26 From the roof it could be seen that the sepoys had remained in their positions and were building themselves shelters .
27 It does n't seem out of place because of the whiteness of the stonework , so brilliant in the sun it could be spun sugar .
28 A spokesperson for the workers said the dust was so thick in the air it could be seen : ‘ This is not the first time this had occurred .
29 It may not necessarily be in the gearbox it could be a universal joint seized , a wheel bearing or many other items .
30 For over two years , RTE has been strictly rationed in the advertising it could sell , so TV costs went up by over 60pc .
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