Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] rather [conj] as " in BNC.

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1 There he became involved with the student newspaper and student television — for pleasure rather than as a grounding for his future career .
2 The only positive freedom is the freedom to use our creativity — and when machines are used as a substitute for labour rather than as an extension of our abilities , they deny us that freedom .
3 Her argument is that Irigaray , as a psychoanalyst , sees psychoanalysis as a process of change rather than as a scientific theory : Irigaray 's work suggests ways in which psychoanalysis could be seen as a model for feminists seeking fundamental social change , in particular by proposing an alternative model for the relation between the rational and the non-rational which would be more satisfactory than the dominant paradigm .
4 In common with Descartes , he visualized the universe in terms of clockwork rather than as a living organism .
5 However , these changes can be seen as largely superficial of and as a way of retaining the power of autocracy rather than as a genuine effort in creating a constitutional state .
6 In The Act of Reading , Wolfgang Iser argues that the literary work should be understood as a means of communication rather than as a representation of the world : ‘ It is a vital feature of literary texts that they do not lose their ability to communicate ; indeed , many of them can still speak even when their message has long since passed into history and their meaning no longer seems to be of importance ’ ( 1978:13 ) .
7 In fact very few of them are , just as very few of the total number of people who get drunk are alcoholic and very few of the total number of fat people are compulsive overeaters — many are simply fat as a result of greed or lack of care rather than as a result of compulsion .
8 In such definitions , ‘ race ’ is still conceived as a false representation of reality rather than as part of the process of constructing an operative symbolic and social reality : literally , a common sense .
9 Perhaps all judges do accept the authority of the Constitution as a matter of convention rather than as the upshot of sound political theory .
10 We consider that tribunals should properly be regarded as machinery provided by Parliament for adjudication rather than as part of the machinery for administration .
11 It could only be assimilated to it if ‘ I disapprove of prostitution ’ were treated as a tentative way of saying that prostitution is wrong , that is , as a tentative expression of an attitude against prostitution rather than as an expression of one 's awareness of one 's own disapproval of it .
12 On the cross Christ himself came to be portrayed as a man in agony rather than as a God in majesty .
13 It also seems to provide a rather better description of how to create and modify patterns that the original Illustrator 88 manual — or perhaps that 's just because the subject is being tackled in context rather than as an academic exercise .
14 We always thought of Headline as a big company in embryo rather than as a little company .
15 It is rather that the idea and ideal is always likely to function as a corrective to complacency rather than as a prop to It .
16 Thus , so soon after the pronouncement of the intention to restructure industry , through trade unionism , as national co-operatives and so in effect to deny labour to conventionally organised industry , reality compelled the unions to start fashioning themselves as a response to capital rather than as an alternative to it .
17 He or she will be interested therefore in the products of information technology as a means to communication rather than as a store of data .
18 There was , for one thing , a strong tendency for writing to be used as a help to memory rather than as an autonomous and independent mode of communication ’ ( ibid. p. 40 ) .
19 This phrase must be regarded as the starting-point for analysis rather than as an explanation .
20 The House debates a Bill on Second Reading and it is passed by chance rather than as a benefit of the arguments .
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