Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] which is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One physical reason for difficulty which is greatly exaggerated in popular thinking and is even claimed mistakenly as the basis of some sexual dysfunction is that of abnormal size in the sexual organs .
2 It becomes a rite of separation into an area where the detective 's need to ‘ juggle with statistics and detection rates ’ is diametrically opposed to the constantly voiced uniform preference for action which is simply programmed to ‘ nail the prig down ’ .
3 Under the risk theory , therefore , compensation might be awarded for public law wrongs , but it might also be awarded for action which is perfectly legal in the public law sense .
4 On the other hand , where a woman undergoes an operation for sterilisation which is negligently performed and she subsequently becomes pregnant she can recover damages in respect of the pain and suffering endured in carrying and giving birth to the child : Udale v Bloomsbury Area Health Authority [ 1983 ] 1 WLR 1098 .
5 Unlike us , the horse 's teeth continuously grow upwards to compensate for wear which is why they need regular checking and rasping .
6 Attractive well presented property set in sought after village which is just to the north east of Oxford .
7 They will go for vocabulary which is highly charged with imagery and emotion .
8 Unlike many young painters , Roxy Walsh has established her reputation through work which is not bound to a particular style , technique or concern .
9 Winds blowing over lakes pick up a tremendous amount of moisture which is then precipitated downwind of the lakes .
10 Many residents have some kind of support which is usually a stick , a Zimmer or wheeled frame or a wheelchair .
11 The government 's fear is that there may be many more Welkoms waiting to happen , and if racial conflict does spread in South Africa , it could seriously unsettle a delicate process of change which is underway .
12 Some of these rules are concerned with the different components which go to make up a traditional story — the kind of story which is orally handed down from generation to generation .
13 A litany is a king of prayer which is often like a list .
14 A self-uglifying expression of humility — plus an elaborate show of stealthiness which is as good as saying ‘ Yes , I am late — and please pay attention to my performance of humbly not wishing to be paid attention to ’ , i.e. Here 's me entering as unostentatiously as I know how — so you can see how much I regret my rudeness ! ’
15 Rather it is the unplanned result of the maintenance of a generally traditional form of agriculture which is not over-exploitive of its fundamental resources .
16 Er and we are talking about open countryside outside erm rural settlements and if you look at the wider countryside and that includes in my judgement er the pattern of settlement which is where most people actually do live in in the countryside .
17 3.14 There is a head of damage which is sometimes called the loss of amenities ; the man made blind by the accident will no longer be able to see the familiar things he has seen all his life ; the man who has had both legs removed and will never again go upon his walking excursions — things of that kind — loss of amenities ( per Birkett LJ in Manley v Rugby Portland Cement Co Ltd , a decision of the Court of Appeal in 1951 ) .
18 Under British pressure , the French eventually departed in humiliation , but only after presiding over a covenant that gave the Lebanese republic the system of power-sharing which is now disintegrating .
19 But we must distinguish between a type of interaction which is precisely regulated by the syntactic structure of the sentence , and a more diffuse type of interaction , not dependent on syntax , but merely on discourse propinquity .
20 of course which is now Netteswell Lane and
21 Universities attract this kind of attitude , as , to some extent , does the campus novel , a brand of fiction which is probably the closest English departments have previously come to industrial production .
22 This Congress was convened to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the death of the Abbe de l'Epee a foremost pioneer in the history of deaf education , and was intended " to prove the progress which had been accomplished during the last century in the moral , material and social condition of the adult deaf and dumb ; therefore this Congress will not have anything to do with , or to remark on the methods of teaching which is not in its province " .
23 It is possibly this kind of teaching which is most likely to lead to situations such as those found in the Nottingham reading study ( Lunzer and Gardner , 1979 ) , where secondary-school children could explain how to use a contents page or an index perfectly well , but when observed in their work , did not actually use these things much at all .
24 At the same time , though , an organisation of teaching which is extremely difficult to monitor may result in desirable procedures and content disappearing by default .
25 A section of text which is either cut or copied is moved to a different section of the computer 's memory .
26 Here tags are attached to sections of text which is then dropped into a template or pre-defined page layout .
27 There is a threshold level of income which is completely free of income tax .
28 Although all lengths of board will carve gybe , the longer all-round funboards need a higher level of skill than the more responsive 3.30m size of board which is ideally suited to first attempts .
29 This approach may be possible if educational objectives have a very short time-scale but it does not allow for the change of direction which is often necessary in schools .
30 This can only be true for those speakers who are more or less monostylistic and " basilectal " : in other words , those whose repertoire is confined to a variety of Creole which is almost maximally different from Standard English .
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