Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] are [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All power , all profits , all our sources of livelihood are in their hands — but the one thing they leave behind will destroy them — the hatred of a million coolies !
2 If this is true ( and it is not so far-fetched : if you carry on an intelligent argument with your readers in the columns of a newspaper , you can not expect them to believe that the responsibilities of self-government are beyond them ) , then it would seem a good example of propaganda having the opposite effect to that intended .
3 " The terms of purchase are on your receipt , sir . "
4 The problems of agency are of themselves by no means insignificant in the professional preoccupations of any lawyer endowed with a respectable commercial practice .
5 They drop their bricks and sticks , and run as if the hounds of hell are at their heels .
6 Now that the hazards as well as the pleasures of summer are with us , I can recommend this simply wasp trap .
7 The long hot days of summer are with us again — or they were at the time of writing , and long may they continue .
8 This pattern persists up to 9.5d.p.c. ( c ) when both stripes of expression are at their strongest .
9 The two men who attacked mr bishop in witney are in their twenties or thirties … wearing scarves gloves and jeans … and most notably … distinctive trilby hats
10 ‘ The argument against a one-party state is shared by many intellectuals , including those in the party and who work for the state , but those in power are for it .
11 The educators at home and at school are on their guard , wary of , yet understanding their secrecies and confidences , and in particular the need for such youngsters to take risks as they strike out towards independent adulthood .
12 But the first computers that can learn by discovery are with us ; the Fifth Generation computers in Japan ‘ understand ’ rather than just process information .
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