Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] i [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the Tuesday after Easter I was climbing with my 18 year old daughter on rocks at Burbage North .
2 One afternoon after tennis I was sitting on a drawing-room sofa at Bemersyde when Dawyck 's dog , a long black cocker spaniel called Wasp , came and nuzzled up against me in the most friendly manner .
3 A few years after publication I was introduced to a well known photographer at a party .
4 I had gone to bed when shortly after midnight I was wakened by the teacher to say that one of the elders of the village was in great pain .
5 After supper I was shown to a tiny bedroom overlooking and adjoining the graveyard ; so profound was the silence that I felt part of it .
6 One hot after noon I was cycling on a lonely road to a country house where I had two pupils when I heard a plane buzzing rather low over my head .
7 I know , I think after Christmas I 'm gon na go and have a look for some dresses and you see when it was an ordinary colour I was gon na have ivory but now it 's this colour I think i 'll be better having having white , I do n't know .
8 Because I went up to their fabric department and I want to after Christmas I 'm going to wash all the covers on the er settees , you know er the dralon .
9 But this , I think , will , in the class of case I am considering , be very rare .
10 As Jenny Randles says in Abduction ( according to Mr Marr , the only really reliable guide to the spacenapping phenomenon ) , ‘ Of course I am making no assumptions about what it means to have been abducted [ by aliens ] , but if some researchers are correct many of you reading this book might have undergone an abduction experience without consciously realizing it . ’
11 Of course I am addicted to Alexis although I admit the entire thing is very far fetched .
12 Of course I 'm staying out here until we go home in a minute , that film 's nearly finished dad 's watching and then we 're gon na
13 Yeah , we do n't have any huge , oh of course I 'm croqueting are n't I ?
14 Of course I 'm stopping ! ’
15 Of course I 'm thinking of the bottle stall for the Christmas bazaar , ’ said Sister Dew virtuously , tucking the little bottles into her bag .
16 and of course I 'm talking now about the old school
17 It 's a unique opportunity to do something really strong for the sake of the restoration of my citizenship , while at the same time by that of course I 'm doing something for the human rights of every single citizen in Czechoslovakia .
18 Of course I 'm making more money here than walking around , ’ she says with a broad , toothless grin .
19 Of course I 'm coming with you , Nick !
20 Of course I 'm coming back , go and get your slippers on and make yourself a couple of bits of toast
21 Of course I 'm missing him . ’
22 Of course I 'm feeling all right !
23 ‘ Yes , of course I 'm to blame .
24 E–e said , ‘ Of course I 'm going to fix everything .
25 ‘ Of — of course I 'm going to tell him , ’ she stammered .
26 Of course I was sent to bed without any supper .
27 Of course I was telling the truth . ’
28 These days this happens when you check in and of course I was asked to open my suitcase to show them the contents .
29 I was cleaning , cleaning it up and of course I was tapping it with a hammer was n't I to try and get all the putty you know , try and break the putty and most of it came away and I just tapped this one little
30 It was there all the time but I had turned my back upon it in a sense , so when I got converted , and of course I was listening to the Big Man 's comments on events and I recognized the validity of what he was saying .
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