Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] was [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 When civilization was no better than barbarism , the whole experiment of humanity was at an end , and it was time to clean the slate .
2 This limited degree of representation was in an important sense imposed from above , rather than actively won through struggle from below , in the same way that the 1947 Constitution was imposed by the US occupation .
3 That situation lead to the proposed wealth tax being stillborn , although the machinery for collection was at an advanced stage , and offices had been constructed .
4 World cotton consumption was a record 86m bales , and the ratio of stocks to consumption was at an all-time low .
5 I live in France now , and I 'm married to a Frenchman , but my introduction to drama was through an amateur dramatic society in Stanmore , where we were living at one time .
6 Much of the data on the health effects of radiation has come from studying the surviving victims of the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs , where the Japanese people 's exposure to radiation was of an extremely large dose in a matter of seconds .
7 The car that drew up outside the villa at sunset was of an obsolete make , long in the bonnet , high on the wheels , cared for , faintly absurd , the kind of car that nowadays would be called vintage .
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