Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] is [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 He is absolutely right that putting clenbuterol into animals for slaughter is bad for the reputation of people in general , bad for the reputation of the Republic of Ireland and particularly bad for the reputation of Northern Ireland .
2 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
3 appropriate evidence of assessment is available for the external verifier .
4 The theory of reliability is well-developed for conventional tests , which aim to assess individuals relative to others in some population .
5 This sort of pairing is normal for most animals ; it is simply a regular geometric manifestation of the general development of bilateral symmetry .
6 Erm number of careers centre operated of course is significant for Deborah and I .
7 ( a ) Applying a false trade description to goods Proof of dishonesty is unnecessary for this offence .
8 A smooth , clean coat of fur is essential for a cat 's well-being .
9 Where a limited amount of money is available for allocation amongst competing demands , attention is bound to be focused on the procedures by which recipients are selected and others excluded .
10 Deciding what sort of milk is best for your child can be confusing .
11 CAN you tell me which type of milk is suitable for my four-year-old daughter ?
12 This type of provision is suitable for commodity goods which are produced by a continuous production process .
13 This course of action is difficult for a number of reasons .
14 This requires action taken by a trade union to be supported by a majority in a secret ballot of all those reasonably expected to take part in the action , and in view of the practicalities of organising a ballot and the fact that advance approval of action is valid for only four weeks puts a serious constraint upon the taking of effective action even where that has overwhelming support .
15 The source of arousal is critical for a number of reasons , in addition to the considerable literature suggesting that arousal is not a unitary physiological dimension , there is the problem that in memory tasks an external source arousal may simply distract subjects while memory for an arousing item itself may be subject to von Restorff effects .
16 The Head of Department is responsible for providing the resources to teach modules in the way that has been agreed .
17 The Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that all personal tutors , module leaders and Field Chairs in his or her department are aware of their own responsibilities and must be prepared to make arrangements for someone to act in lieu of any of these staff who , for example , are not available to students or registry staff .
18 The Head of Department is responsible for nominating persons with whom module leaders should clear their examination papers and mark sheets and for ensuring that associated deadlines are met .
19 The Head of Department is responsible for the annual review of the fields sponsored by his or her department .
20 The Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that proposals for change are considered by appropriate field and/or subject committees and the departmental board and in particular that resource implications are identified .
21 The Head of Department is responsible for seeing that access to projects and dissertations is as agreed with students .
22 The Head of Department is responsible for discussing and agreeing with the Dean the withdrawal of modules from the course as a result of low recruitment or resource problems .
23 An alternative mode of entry is available for the Tax Inspectorate .
24 He is able to decide what sort of programme is suitable for his patients and make sure that it is run to a suitable standard .
25 The transcendental unity of religion is necessary for the existence of positive , historical religions , which are the concrete , historical expressions of the primordial form , the immediate religious consciousness or ‘ the sense and taste for the Infinite ’ .
26 Such treatment can be valuable even where foods are a major cause of symptoms ( see p l53 ) , so undertaking this type of therapy is worthwhile for a whole range of patients , not just for those whose problems are purely psychosomatic .
27 If it is found that a particular form of therapy is effective for a group of individuals with a particular pattern of language difficulties , or for those who share a common aetiology ( that is , they have the same diagnosis ) , it may be that others with similar difficulties may be helped by the same form of therapy .
28 A wider range of help is available for unemployed people now than ever before .
29 A piece of equipment can be highly regulated in terms of one use , while a similar piece of equipment is unregulated for another use .
30 God 's way of reconciliation is harshest for himself in his Son .
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