Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Various reports a plea for support a plea for interest particularly for the seventy fifth anniversary year next year and after that we had the most lovely party .
2 If there are more or modified synapses , the chemicals and structures of which the synapses are composed must show signs of change , which might be measurable either by biochemical methods ( for instance , an increase in the amount of synaptic membrane protein ) or under a microscope ( for instance a change in the dimensions of particular synapses , or an increase in synaptic numbers ) .
3 For instance a rite of lifelong commitment for adults or of young people on the verge of adult life who have been confirmed at an earlier age .
4 ‘ It is possible they operate individually but are connected by having the same contacts , for instance a dealer in Essex or Ireland , ’ said Det Sgt Elston .
5 Take , for instance a designer like Montana , whose particular skill is in sculptural tailoring .
6 The trouble is that any proposed reduction — granting for instance a value of 0.8 to a second preference and 0.6 to a third — is bound to be arbitrary .
7 They are able to do a lot of things that former generations could not do ; for instance a lot of them are able to study now in the legal field , become nurses and so on .
8 Well for instance a lot of people did n't even bother to erm make the kitchen floor into anything reasonable , but we did , we , we got some very good , very heavy
9 For instance a colleague of mine returning from a remote part of Kenya commented on the habit among pregnant women of eating a particular sort of yellowish mud .
10 In robotics , for instance a number of British companies have begun to develop and make robots , so creating jobs directly .
11 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
12 By a remarkable coincidence this book arrived on my desk for review a matter of weeks after I had first seen it and browsed through it in a bookshop in Kathmandu .
13 Shortly after midnight a number of shots were fired at Oldpark and Woodburn RUC stations .
14 Shortly after dawn a party of Germans entered a railway carriage at Compiègne and by the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month , the Armistice was signed and the war was over .
15 July 31 : Beagle D.5/180 Husky G-AVOD crashed after picking-up a banner at Crosland Moor airfield , Huddersfield , Yorks .
16 Questionnaires sent out as part of the HSC employment department 's 1990 labour force survey showed that only about a third of reportable accidents appear in official statistics , that 2 million people have illnesses they believe are caused or made worse by work , and that work related accidents and ill health are probably resulting in about 30m days off work a year in the UK .
17 After a period of chaos a sequence of Agaw monarchs , known as the Zagwe dynasty , established themselves .
18 Where once you would have had as a matter of necessity a plot with at its heart some intricate deception , often unlikely , now your plot will arise from the characters you want to write about .
19 Although the petitioner was , for the reasons indicated , entitled to appeal as of right , the present petition by the petitioner is of necessity a petition for the grant of special leave to appeal and the grant of such leave remains discretionary : see Lopes v. Valliappa Chettiar [ 1968 ] A.C. 887 .
20 Entitled Challenge , it ‘ will be progressive in the sense that it understands Christian faith to be of necessity a commitment to the cause of all who are oppressed , discriminated against or unjustly treated . ’
21 And therefore , if it can really come to this possibility of ministry a sort of , Young Farmers Club idea of getting themselves about that could be a a a a , a , a marvellous boost .
22 Such snobbery perhaps helps to explain some of the support which the Wesleyan tradition must have engendered , among people who found the ‘ spiritual sense ’ of faith a way of rebutting the patronising condescension of the ‘ men of reason ’ .
23 The prices problem was of course a reflection of the low volume of industrial production and the low level of productivity in Soviet industry .
24 The foregoing discussion has juxtaposed management and owner control , but there is of course a range of other influences that set limits to managerial autonomy .
25 That is of course a child for the purpose of claiming a benefit .
26 Of course a child like you could n't damage anything .
27 The muddy or sandy beds and long damp grass make ideal habitat for such birds as dunlin , which are mainly seen in winter , and of course a variety of ducks and geese .
28 Of course a scheme like this does incur considerable costs , but it will be for the benefit of the town and help to preserve a record of a popular part of Bishop 's Castle 's history , while we still have people who remember ‘ our ’ railway and travelled on it .
29 I 'd have to have my lipstick and my mascara and of course a brush for my hair !
30 If one is of course a member of a minority , let us say , one is a Jew or erm a socialist or erm a South German , erm then one is much more likely to cherish democratic values and federal values , and much less likely to accept authoritarian rule from above .
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