Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] of information [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Law Society stopped short of incorporating the rules about provision of information about costs into the new Practice Rule 15 .
2 It was also agreed that the options for storage/retrieval of information in the long-term would be examined , based on the FAOR proposals to move towards a filly computerised storage system .
3 be closely linked with machinery for dissemination of information about changes and their implementation in schools ;
4 The importance of the role of the sickle cell centre as a source of advice for sufferers and their families and as a centre for dissemination of information to the community can not be overemphasised .
5 However , during the Labour Government 's first period of office , 1945–50 , both the Ministry of Labour ( through dissemination of information to employers ) and the Ministry of National Insurance ( through slightly increasing the earnings allowance ) attempted to encourage the deferment of retirement beyond 65 and the employment of older workers .
6 First , all overlap periods must allow adequate time for exchange of information between the staff coming to duty and those leaving .
7 Publication would almost inevitably lead to pressures for both more and larger Committees , and for disclosure of information about their activities .
8 The requirement for disclosure of information in the proposed Directive is aimed at protecting the interests of shareholders of the target company .
9 In the case of disclosure of information on defence , international relations , crime , information resulting from unauthorised disclosures or entrusted in confidence by a crown servant , sections 2–6 make disclosure an offence if made without lawful authority and causing damage to the public interest .
10 It is an activity concerned with meaning ’ ( Kennedy , 1984 , p. 146 ) ; ‘ Reading is not just a matter of transfer of information from the print to the reader 's mind , there is also an active contribution from the reader 's store of knowledge .
11 Freedom of Access of Information on the Environment
12 Government : Freedom of Access of Information on the Environment
13 This predicts that sorting time would be 24.9568 msecs per card if no reference was made to the value of the cards and that the rate of gain of information for the class is 377.68396 msecs per bit of information per card .
14 This is because both are positive functions of the rate of arrival of information during the time period .
15 The catalyst was a judgment by the French Court of Appeal in favour of Paul Touvier , the first Frenchman to be charged with crimes against humanity , for his actions as head of information of the Lyon branch of the ‘ Milice ’ .
16 Scientific and horticultural staff should have inputs into labels , signs , exhibitions , etc. ; staff in contact with the public should receive regular , formal training from the relevant scientific or horticultural staff ; library staff should be in receipt of information from all departments to support their activities , and so on .
17 It may be recalled that Lanfranc 's doubt about the sanctity of Elphege arose from lack of information about the circumstances of his death .
18 The gradual expansion of the teacher 's role from presenter of information to carer was as accidental as it was logical .
19 The FAOR proposals for storage of information in the long term using a filly computerised system were also investigated thoroughly , particularly as these had a bearing on the manner in which the index system would be developed .
20 This predicts that sorting time would be 24.9568 msecs per card if no reference was made to the value of the cards and that the rate of gain of information for the class is 377.68396 msecs per bit of information per card .
21 Mr David Gee , director designate of Friends of the Earth , said the bill had already been weakened by giving big concessions to industry , especially over freedom of information to the public and scope and timetable of the new controls over pollution .
22 Implementation of the Eleventh Company Law Directive will add further complexities to the law relating to disclosure of information by foreign companies setting up a place of business in the UK , according to the Institute 's Company Law Sub-committee .
23 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
24 Many commented on lack of information about the range of facilities on offer .
25 Isolation due to lack of information about other disabled artists could encourage an individual to develop their creativity no further than as a tool for assimilation into the dominant culture and access to their arts .
26 It was also expected to increase with light intensity as measured by the radiometer , though the relationship was not predicted , owing to lack of information about the behaviour of the optical RAM .
27 We were concerned with the access and integration over time of information from different levels during the extension of individual hypotheses .
28 For lack of information about what is happening elsewhere in the world , people record ‘ screendiaries ’ or ‘ mimic minimemoirs ’ ( 7 ) on their ‘ chatterscreen[s] ’ ( 127 ) .
29 A SADR Ministry of Information communique issued on Dec. 4 , 1989 , announced the appointment of Sid-Ahmed Batal as the new Health Minister and of Mohamed Salem Ould Salek as the new Education and Teaching Minister ( Salek had been replaced by Abdelkader Teleb Omar as Minister of Information in a reshuffle in May 1989-see p. 36672 ) .
30 Not all early raids were successful and the plan to raid Bayonne failed through lack of information on beach conditions .
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