Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] of [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Despite this , planning applications for change of use to offices have been turned down on this ‘ residential ’ side of the road . ’
2 She was also a leader in the struggle for admission of women to fellowship in the London Chemical Society .
3 On July 10 the European Parliament awarded its Sakharov prize for freedom of thought to Aung San Suu Kyi , Myanma 's main opposition figure .
4 Simply by filling in a form giving a few details such as variety of wheat to be grown , date of planting and previous cropping in the field , Davies and his colleagues can , with the addition of weather data fed in 365 days a year from 45 centres around the country , predict with unerring accuracy exactly when the farmer should spread his ‘ Nitram ’ to get the best results .
5 Since it had been in power Labour had improved conditions , particularly through provision of milk to mothers and children ( SE 16 October 20 ) .
6 At one end of the scale a production manager may regularly use some quite advanced statistical methods as part of day to day control .
7 ( 1 ) Sections 45 to 50 of the Local Government ( Scotland ) Act 1973 ( which provide for payment of allowances to members of local authorities and other bodies ) shall apply with any necessary modifications to members of licensing boards as if the licensing boards were local authorities .
8 The House of Lords applied the but for test to restrict the defendant 's liability for loss of earnings to the period before the onset of the disease .
9 According to Dr John Pethick , a coastal geomorphologist at Hull University , the best solution is to avoid building in the worst-affected areas , and to compensate landowners for loss of land to the sea .
10 Section 312 Companies Act 1985 makes it unlawful for any compensation for loss of office to be made to a director of a company in connection with the transfer of all or any part of the company , unless the nature and particulars of the proposed payment have been disclosed to the members of the company and have been approved by the company .
11 Property rights , in this case whether you are legally entitled to compensation for loss of light to your garden , determine who compensates whom but not the outcome S * of the bargain .
12 In Mustard v Morris , a decision of the Court of Appeal on 21 July 1981 it was argued that the award of damages for loss of amenities to a man who was already quite seriously disabled should be less than that to a previously fit person who had suffered equivalent injuries .
13 The importance of the role of the sickle cell centre as a source of advice for sufferers and their families and as a centre for dissemination of information to the community can not be overemphasised .
14 However , during the Labour Government 's first period of office , 1945–50 , both the Ministry of Labour ( through dissemination of information to employers ) and the Ministry of National Insurance ( through slightly increasing the earnings allowance ) attempted to encourage the deferment of retirement beyond 65 and the employment of older workers .
15 Nothing was achieved and several men had to be left ashore as they were unable to swim to the boats , whose RNVR crews would not beach for fear of damage to the crafts ' hulls .
16 He had not observed that , from the gale it had been , it had risen through level after level of violence to a power that no man living on Orkney had ever experienced or was to experience again .
17 Furthermore , pH i can recover spontaneously to baseline within minutes after exposure of cells to acute acid and alkaline loads .
18 After closure of Woodhead to passengers in 1970 , the route continued to be upgraded with continuous welded rail and some of the class 76 electrics were fitted for multiple working .
19 I carried in tray after tray of Whiskas to the Gairloch store .
20 Statutory consultation is expected later this year after receipt of responses to these proposals from purchasers , providers , and professional bodies .
21 The enrichment of tissue free leucine was also measured using GCMS after conversion of leucine to the N-butyl heptafluorobutyryl isobutyl derivative .
22 Most chapters contain one or more ‘ general methods ’ , a step-by-step procedure for performing a particular purification — eg of membrane proteins — or for separation of proteins to a grade necessary for sequencing , or therapeutic use .
23 The issue of decentralization of services to local bases in the community has inevitably brought with it questions of the decentralization of budgets .
24 Radelescu and Stoia ( 1979 ) , for instance , describe a microprocessor-based closed-loop control in which the switching angle is calculated by an algorithm involving the two previous step periods , enabling the rate of change of speed to be taken into account .
25 One example of such a model is that of Vidale and Wolfe who related the rate of change of sales to advertising by the equation : unc where S = sales at time t ds/dt = rate of change of sales at time A = advertising expenditure at time r = sales response factor ( sales generated per unit of advertising expenditure ) M = saturation level of sales ( sales maximum )
26 And that was the sort of level of detail to which we thought we might need to go in those districts where it is demonstrated to us , of the district do need to be considered differently .
27 imply a steady state system or over a long term and if over the long term the rate of addition of material to the sea is equalled by the rate of removal .
28 The method of election of members to the Special Reserved Seats has been changed .
29 Despite resistance of markets to novelty and indeed diversity and the fact that few mills can handle a diversity of timbers , the advent of techniques for pulping mixtures of species means that the diversity of the rain forest becomes less of a problem .
30 This level of autonomy will result in a changed role for the school from one of administration of policies to one of management of local resources .
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