Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] because he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In May last year the Court of Appeal upheld a judgment against the friend for more than £5,500 damages for negligence because he had owed the accountant a duty of care .
2 He ca n't have put it there for effect because he did n't know who was going to be there .
3 Captain Allan Border said : ‘ Obviously I feel a bit sorry for Jonesy because he 's been in the side for a long time .
4 ‘ He was adamant about rugby because he thought it was too physical for me .
5 She gave him a morsel of hope because he had always been so kind to her .
6 The fisherman has high levels of mercury because he catches and eats large fish that lie in undisturbed pools and lagoons where methyl mercury settles , but so far he has no conclusive symptoms .
7 It did n't do him a lot of good in the early er in the early days , but er it did stand him in good stead later of course because he became er er a full-time official o of the er Notts area N U M.
8 George Kidner came to me in a great state of mind because he has been asked to appear before a committee consisting of C. Bathurst , Peto & C. Mills & sitting at Central Office .
9 He allowed her to walk across to the counter for a cup of tea because he felt she was flustered , not an emotion one easily associated with Sergeant Henley , and it might settle her down .
10 He was not guilty of theft because he had an intention to return , even though the handing back might be an indefinite period later .
11 ( e ) As we have seen , an intention to repay or substitute may be dishonest because the defendant can not replace the very thing taken , yet if he intends to return the property itself , he is not guilty of theft because he does not have the intention permanently to deprive .
12 It could be that Lord Roskill wished in this way to exonerate the mischievous label-switcher , but that person is anyway not guilty of theft because he does not have the mental element .
13 The practical joker , of course , is not guilty of theft because he has not acted dishonestly and does not intend to deprive the owner permanently of the article .
14 A Director will cast this type of actress because he knows that is the kind of personality he wants brought out in this character , and he can rely on that actress to give just such a performance .
15 Armstrong himself took on the role of coach because he wanted a big challenge .
16 He was able to achieve this amount of leisure because he did not intervene much in the work of the Departments .
17 Rory had always thought of Hamish as a sort of ponderously eccentric fool , and Ken a kind of failure because he had so much wanted to travel , and instead had settled down with Mary , stayed in the same wee corner of the world as he 'd been born and raised in , and not only raised his own children , but chosen to teach others ' , too .
18 Some people may not want to send Christmas cards or eat meat at least once a week ( two of Townsend 's indicators of conventional British life ) : the implication is that Townsend grossly exaggerates the incidence of poverty because he ignores the fact that people may choose to do without such things .
19 He told her that he thought Terry was a prisoner of war because he had spoken to men who had returned from his Company .
20 We can assume that his scepticism extended to his belief in the efficacy of non-violence because he notes that reading Tolstoy influenced him greatly and cured him of his scepticism making him a believer again in ahi sā .
21 A blind man lacks the ideas of colour because he lacks the requisite experience , and a man ‘ deprived of every sense … would have no idea of a single thing ’ .
22 Nick Serota , director of the Tate , is at the moment coming in for a lot of criticism because he changes the displays every year .
23 Whether his witness against a background of hate because he told we look at the Paraclete 's role in the world or among the disciples the answer is the same .
24 She was fond of Sheldukher because he had given her her dream weapon .
25 Someone may say that an official lies under a special responsibility of impartiality because he has accepted his office subject to that understanding , so these responsibilities are drawn from ordinary morality after all , from the morality of keeping promises .
26 ‘ She 's young and very rich , and her parents disapprove of Rizzi because he does n't have noble blood .
27 ‘ Oh yeah , hanging around moonfaced like he did ten years ago , all ill-fitting clothes and two halves of shandy because he had his pushbike with him . ’
28 Mendel in fact selected the paired categories of size because he reasoned , correctly , that the mechanisms of inheritance would be most easily revealed in such a trait .
29 From what I half learnt the father must have been a forgiving sort of man because he treated the daughter ( my daughter ) as if she were his own little girl .
30 A local authority is accountable either to the local electorate for the poll tax that it sets or to the Secretary of State because he decides how much it can spend .
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