Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] like [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The device is somehow congruous with the repeated images of hair like a shadow , beauty flying , leaves and years falling , through it all the hemlock-leaves of death .
2 An egg not of shell like a bird 's : leathery rather , like a turtle 's .
3 At first I thought of these ideas as jewels formed in a matrix of rock like a diamond or like a fragile vase fired in a kiln at Ching-Te-Chin — an emperor 's gift .
4 Busy heads of department like the head of IS sent representatives , although , in this case , he clearly remained in a strong position to influence subsequent developments .
5 As a pathway of light like a finger moved .
6 Ruth looked at the cup in his hands , and two pictures presented themselves — Gran with all the anxiety gone from her face , and Undry full of light like the sea .
7 ‘ I remember on one occasion , soon after I began operating , cutting into an artery by mistake , and a great spurt of blood like a fountain came up into my face .
8 There was a stretch of curved gravel , edged with planks , near this end of the field ; six posts stood along the front edge of the gravel stand , and on top of each post there was a little flat piece of wood like a tray .
9 He rose to his feet , wearing a faint aura of menace like a cloak .
10 In between there 's moments of drama like the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald and among it all , spectacular treasures like Popperfoto 's rare COLOUR pictures of the second world war .
11 TODAY , De Klerk talks about beach apartheid and Separate Amenities Act , but what about those pillars of apartheid like the Group Areas Act , the Population Registration Act and the very fundamental laws that govern the political life of our country ?
12 His presence among people is one of joy like a bridegroom at a wedding .
13 Its coat , once described as very long , can still be quite long and is thick and silky ; the colours range through the spectrum of brownish red , red brindle , dark red and brindle , with a touch of fleckiness like the Shorthorn .
14 I think he might have discovered some kind of organisation like The Hell Fire Club .
15 From behind a grotesquely warped arch that was strung with ropes of cobweb like a harp , a scum boy leapt to tear Lexandro 's mask from his face as a trophy .
16 They were all eating miniature versions of proper food — a sliver of lamb like a lark 's tongue , a single braised spinach leaf , a mushroom tart no bigger than a cuff-link — like guests in a doll 's house , and trying to ignore the fact that the area around their table , which might have provided space for twelve to stand at a pinch , had now about 300 people in it .
17 Another weapon commanding the highest respect is the knife , or any form of knife like a machete , razor or flick-knife .
18 People without the ready money to buy a necessity of life like a house , who had to borrow it not from an individual with the distasteful label ‘ money-lender ’ , but a non-profit mutual cooperation body called a building society , were respectable .
19 Drained by his ranting and lulled by the way he could float in the starsuit , just touching the padded interior , he drifted into and out of sleep like a man wandering through the rooms of an empty house .
20 Occupational welfare may include tangible benefits such as non-contributory pensions , company cars or cheap loans , but may also refer to less tangible aspects of employment like the number and range of hours worked , the working environment and effects on health or future prospects .
21 As he laid out his instruments on squares of cloth like a surgeon , he said , ‘ You know , Pop , fishing 's a very good relaxant .
22 With Buttons and the Mice cheering Cinders with Rock Around the Clock , the Ugly Sisters appearing to the strains of Walk Like a Man , the Prince as a look-alike of pop star Prince , a decorated Reebok glass slipper and a Thunderbird 4 coach , the script-writing team Foxanpelico Ltd. , had a few novel ideas to entertain young and old .
23 We carry the memory of childhood like a photo in a locket , fierce and possessive for pain or calm ; everybody 's past is inviolate , separate , sacrosanct , our heads are different countries with no maps or dictionaries , people walk vast deserts of grief or inhabit walled gardens of joy .
24 Jay remembered the sun in the garden , the paddling pool , her mother meeting her after school , face lighting up with love and joy as her little girl pelted out of school like a tornado , seized her mother 's hand and dragged her home down the street , read to her , played with her , woke her with a kiss , read her a bedtime story .
25 It contains modern buildings of flair like the library , as well as block-busting monstrosities like the Mowlem Theatre . ’
26 you 've got me like convent like a nun and see
27 She called me an old snout , flipping thing is right , like thing like the noise that I 've
28 For the whole basis of Sartre 's argument is that the dialectic of history is not a metaphysical law , ‘ some powerful unitary force revealing itself behind History like the will of God ’ , but the continuously produced effect of individual conflicts ; each action is in its turn subsumed as a part of the whole in an ever broader , developing totalization ( I , 37 ) .
29 He knew that he 'd fallen for bait like a fool .
30 Where anybody gon na sleep and with granddad like the state he 's in .
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