Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No I 'm charging for spice when I go in
2 It gets light home use and was good value for money when I bought it .
3 I 'VE been told I retain a lot of moisture when I eat .
4 I when I see him when I see , George does a lot of housekeeping when I see him clearing the bed I say oh goodness look book .
5 ‘ I know he was very wrong to rob me but I 'm grateful he had a change of heart when I took ill .
6 The strangest of stories ( And of course when I told her that , she just threw me out of the house , my own Mother … well , Goodnight Mother , I can tell you ) were treated as entirely credible .
7 And er then of course when I got better It hit me all on the head and that well Then er when I went back to school they found out as I could n't see the board properly .
8 there were one or two lads in our unit who were sons of er , of er manufacturing , one was er Crawford Biscuits you know , I soldiered with him and I do n't know if you remember er erm , er but anyway , Frank , Frank at Keighley of course when I got , when we got married he , he came up and got us these blankets did n't he ?
9 Well of course when I went to the Isle of Man , see , I went on the boat and er , you see , and er it only cost me ninepence for a , a landing er for the landing stage .
10 I was a witness and so on you see and down below and the sergeant said to me , the sergeant came up and said to me , you 'll have to be careful because he said that boy , he was sitting there with his mother , poor woman , all in black and er the em the boy 's employer had got a solicitor on his behalf , you see , and I said well I can only speak through and say what happened , that 's all I can do and er , so of course when I went into the witness box this man came and er asked me all sorts of questions .
11 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
12 I 'm only half joking of course when I say that by comparison the rip-offs and the scams and the scandals mean nothing .
13 Of course when I run it , he can also see what I 'm putting on — chorus , overdrive , top boost …
14 It brought back to me the reality of the life I had so abruptly left behind : I had somehow assumed it would fade out of existence when I wanted , fade back in when convenient , unchanged .
15 I thought it was a terrible lot of money when I saw it .
16 ‘ I do n't have a lot of money when I come home and my parents , who are both on income support , are basically keeping me during holidays . ’
17 I remember the shock of fear when I heard her scream and the sickening jolt of pain through my stomach when I saw the angle of her hand to her arm .
18 There was the same gap between understanding and the possibility of action when I read Simone de Beauvoir 's The Second Sex just before leaving university .
19 That 's to make me a cup of tea when I get home and can try it .
20 I 've come straight from the calving and I did n't even get a cup of tea when I 'd finished .
21 no , no I 'm not that keen on it I just have a couple of biscuits and a cup of tea when I come home
22 A mass of mail when I got back here — replies saying NO for example for the part time post of editor of the Episcopal Church paper up here and a NO from a firm opening up a new range of discount grocery stores .
23 I really have never felt even a flicker of emotion when I sang the National Anthem .
24 I was able to climb to about 1,200′ at which height I felt it was safe enough for me to control any sudden change of attitude when I disengaged the auto pilot .
25 To speak more intelligibly , I never have made any arrangement of plot when I commenced a work of fiction , and often finish a chapter without having the slightest idea of what materials the ensuing one is to be constructed .
26 Never mind , they can be matrons of honour when I decide to tie the knot . ’
27 Do you reckon Dan might let me have a bit of toast when I get back or something ?
28 Then this would never have happened , or if it had ( I could n't bring myself to unwish an experience which still washed over me with waves of delight when I remembered it ) at least Toby would have known what he was doing , his eyes would have been open .
29 ‘ I received a lot of abuse when I left Brookside , not ME personally but in a way just as bad .
30 I had a split second of panic when I came into the office and saw her sitting quietly behind her desk , studying her image in her hand-mirror and conscientiously patting a stray red-gold hair into place .
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