Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] make [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Table 10.1 indicates , this is an example of an attempt to implement the rational model of decision making discussed in the previous chapter .
2 She is the sort of girl made to die in a motor accident ( with another woman 's husband ) , and the reader is not shocked when Dermot overturns a car with her and himself in it .
3 It will involve more members with decision making taken by those who are responsible for reporting back to the members and for carrying out the effects of such responsibilities .
4 And on the other end of the line , the spineless , boneless baby-kissers : all eagerly participating in the charade , briefly pretending to be interested in these individuals , in order to make importuning for votes look like philanthropy and vacant sayings appear new minted .
5 ( 4 ) Political resources , such as the access to decision making bestowed on politicians by their election into office .
6 It is now widely accepted in political science that democratic activity and representation not only consists of the electoral choice between parties and their programmes but in the contribution to policy making made by interest groups .
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