Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] have [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Within Judaism and Christianity , Psalm 23 for instance has spawned many misunderstandings .
2 One reason why farm workers ' wages remain so comparatively low is that the demand for labour within agriculture has been declining as a result of mechanization-Indeed , the prospect of more expensive labour has often been sufficient to stimulate farmers to engage in a further round of mechanization so that both the supply and the demand for labour have chased each other down in an ever-decreasing spiral .
3 In the majority of cases , where intercourse has taken place in the ‘ missionary position ’ ( woman lying on her back , man on top ) the natural eversion of the anal mucous membrane during intercourse has brought this sensitive skin into contact with the moisture ( in which the gonococcus can be found in quantity ) produced by both male and female as a result of their sexual exertions .
4 ‘ Letters of support have outnumbered any critical or questioning letters by more than 10–1 . ’
5 ‘ Letters of support have outnumbered any critical or questioning letters by more than 10-1 .
6 ‘ I 'm glad to see that the cause of freedom has acquired such energetic support in Edinburgh , ’ she said .
7 The study of literature had become little more than a loose aggregate of philosophy , history , psychology , aesthetics , ethnography , sociology , and so on , and the Formalists felt that any specificity it might have had had been swamped by its adjacent disciplines .
8 Fewer of course had seen all of it : 71 per cent , 49 per cent , 19 per cent and 5 per cent , respectively .
9 One pet theory of mine is that the decline in the study of Latin has accentuated this interest .
10 With all of its interconnecting tubes , rarely can the concept of a leakage from the circular flow of income have assumed such a liquid manifestation !
11 Although recognition of handwriting has received much less attention the task is simpler and promising results have been obtained .
12 The tradition of the theory of ideology has attempted this , though with perhaps little effect on practice .
13 So it 's not a progression all in one way but I have to say that even by the standards of the Lloyd George era , the battle by memoir which we now see for considerable sums of money has become more than a cottage industry , it 's a production line industry .
14 Surveys of provision have indicated that this still falls short of a desirable level .
15 Other countries with more pluralist systems of provision have recognised this problem and dealt with it .
16 It is an industry which even in times of recession has kept most of its 70 000 employees and taken on a welcome and regular flow of new recruits .
17 The research provides , through a lengthy national survey , detailed information on how the experience of recession has affected such matters as relations at the work-place , the structure of the labour market , de-skilling and the impact of new technology , the division of labour within the family and the effects of unemployment .
18 However , the all too familiar constraint of funding has prevented much progress to date .
19 ‘ But I thought the recent Act of Parliament had stopped all that , ’ Catherine said .
20 ‘ Because of her role in reproduction , woman is regarded as a special case , a deviation from the norm represented by the male … since the 19th century the science of gynaecology has legitimised this view . ’
21 The reasons for this should not be obscured by the fact that the short term objectives of aid have undergone several changes over the last thirty years .
22 Here , the inflated rhetoric and culturalist orthodoxies of antiracism have borne some peculiar fruit .
23 Planning policies of concentration have fostered this , sometimes to facilitate the provision of amenities and services to housing .
24 The evolving genre of SF has mirrored this concern .
25 SIR — The European Centre for the Epidemiological Monitoring of AIDS has urged all European countries to adopt its expanded AIDS case-definition , which includes pulmonary tuberculosis , recurrent pneumonia within twelve months , and invasive cervical carcinoma in HIV-infected individuals .
26 Here the quantum chemical theory of bonding has had some remarkable successes .
27 I 've begun to think more and more like this — it is terribly cruel of fate to have put these twenty years between us .
28 Hall seems not to have fulfilled his promise to cost the winning designs , as Hunt , who presumably would have made the estimates , did not examine the plans , and there is no evidence of Hall having reported this information back to Parliament .
29 Recent developments in the sale of organs for transplants , life support for profoundly handicapped or brain damaged patients , or the treatment of infertility have rehearsed some of the dilemmas and controversies .
30 Inevitably , as a secular interpretation of morality has superseded that of established religion , so the activities of the social controller have become increasingly important in the drama .
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