Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] be whether it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ideology ’ is an indispensable term in sociological analysis , but the first level of difficulty is whether it is used to describe : ( a ) the formal and conscious beliefs of a class or other social group — as in the common usage of ‘ ideological ’ to indicate general principles or theoretical positions or , as so often unfavourably , dogmas ; or ( b ) the characteristic world-view or general perspective of a class or other social group , which will include formal and conscious beliefs but also less conscious , less formulated attitudes , habits and feelings , or even unconscious assumptions , bearings and commitments .
2 One area of contention is whether it is appropriate to describe the new arrangements as evidence of a growth of local corporatism , or even ‘ corporatism at local level ’ ( Cawson , 1985b ) .
3 He has resisted both pulls until he has assembled all the information he thinks relevant , the test of relevance being whether it does in fact strengthen one pull in relation to the other .
4 One question to bear in mind is whether it might in certain circumstances be a breach of fiduciary duty to include an exemption clause in a contract with a customer .
5 The question at issue is whether it is ‘ better ’ for the bilateral cases to have both joints replaced in a single operation or to have each joint treated separately in operations , say , six months apart .
6 The most fundamental issue at stake is whether it represents merely a continuation of the earlier process of suburbanization and metropolitan deconcentration , albeit on a much larger geographical scale , or instead constitutes a fundamental switch away from the urban concentration process associated with industrialization towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ settlement pattern based on medium-sized and small centres ( Hamnett and Randolph , 1983a ; Robert and Randolph , 1983 ) .
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