Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] be [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 Even when the demand for manpower was at its height , women with children under fourteen years old were never conscripted .
2 The conflict which characterizes our everyday feelings usually causes part of them to be inhibited or suppressed ; in contrast poetry and the other arts ‘ spring from and perpetuate hours in the lives of exceptional people , when their control and command of experience is at its highest ’ ( Richards 1967 : 22 ) .
3 None of these new and developing areas of study was without its problems , and the committees and boards had to be constantly confronting difficulties of either a general and continuing or a highly specific kind .
4 Mr Peter Markie , of Rudby parish council , said research into the health effects of EMF was in its infancy and it was too early to discount links .
5 view of drama was at its peak in the early 1960s , a newcomer appeared among the group of Physical Education biased Inspectors .
6 The true heart of Morar is in its unfrequented interior where tourists never go and only the brave venture .
7 But it is in Lady Lazarus that the similarity between the life of suicide and the life of anorexia is at its clearest : ‘ Dying/is an art , like everything else .
8 Another major way in which the social security system discriminates on the grounds of age is in its failure to acknowledge disability among older people .
9 I am immensely gratified that those who participate in the activities of co-operation between the RUC and Garda Siochana say that the quality of co-operation is at its highest point for 30 years .
10 However , as the real appeal of DTP is in its ability to manipulate pages it 's likely that we are looking for a page makeup product such as PageMaker or its many rivals .
11 Not a note of music was without its corresponding motion of his eloquent and lively feet .
12 He believes that the bourgeois epoch of history is in its terminal crisis , but concedes that this crisis may have been going on since 1848 , which stretches not only ‘ bourgeois ’ but ‘ crisis ’ to breakingpoint .
13 The glamorization of motherhood is at its most blatant in advertisements , but the madonna and child image is all-pervasive , including teenage and women 's magazines .
14 If our idea of gold were of its real essence ,
15 A list of likely topics of discussion was on its way to him by post .
16 The Treasury said that the growth of unit wage costs in manufacturing was at its lowest level for more than two decades while falling settlements pointed to ‘ continuing downward pressure on inflation ’ .
17 His main interest in mathematics was in its foundations , his ‘ The Foundations of Mathematics ’ ( 1925 ) being the culmination of the reduction of mathematics to logic undertaken in the Principia Mathematica ( 1910–13 ) of Bertrand ( third Earl ) Russell and A. N. Whitehead [ qq.v . ] .
18 I 've been seriously caught out more than once on early ambitious trips — the ice axe which nearly stayed at home was worth its weight in gold .
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