Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His commitment to the reform of secondary education was unrelenting ; his position as Archbishop placed him at the heart of the religious problem ; his alliance with Butler — for whom he was ‘ all bulge and brain ’ — eventually tamed the opposition of the Churches .
2 That small part of the Doctor 's character that allowed for scepticism reminded him of all the times such naivety had landed him in trouble before .
3 She felt like crying as dejection hit her like a ton of bricks .
4 ‘ Easy — a stroke of genius hit me at the height of the bombing , General .
5 His arrest was ordered by the Algiers judiciary after the Ministry of Defence accused him of inciting the army to mutiny .
6 Also joining IHM is the one-off prototype Westland 30–300 G–HAUL , which has been in storage at Westland 's Yeovil factory since the Ministry of Defence cancelled it in favour of the larger EH–101 .
7 Waves of smell hit you as peasant women cycle past towing brown-encrusted oil drums filled with the precious produce of the city 's latrines .
8 The superintendent slipped the phone back into its cradle and a crease of worry tucked itself into her forehead .
9 We of course did it in nineteen eighty six , er but this year there are about fifteen hundred officers involved from fifteen different police forces .
10 Charles I sold the manor to the City of London in 1628 to raise finance , after which it changed hands several times until the Bethell family of Rise held it through most of the 17th and 18th centuries .
11 What gave rise to the protest of the intelligentsia , and what lay behind the revolutionary protest of its extreme wing , was the lack of opportunity afforded them by tsarist society .
12 Smith has been dismissed as ‘ presence of mind Smith ’ from his alleged remark on returning without his companion from a disastrous outing on the river : ‘ If I had not with great presence of mind hit him on the head with a boathook both would have been drowned , ’ but the story comes from Reminiscences of Oxford ( 1st edn. 1900 ) by William Tuckwell , who in his second edition ( 1907 ) consigned it to oblivion ; moreover , there was no charge of murder .
13 ( Paradoxically the release of tension enabled him in the next week to run up , turn out , patch together , a poetical melodrama about Cabestainh with which the house-guests had some civilised fun . )
14 Hooks of meat , barrows of vegetables , trays of pies , urns of tea passed him in every direction .
15 Even if a band that I liked did this , I 'm sure that it would not make me gay ( And even if the power of rock introduced you to the delights of homosexuality , who cares , eh ?
16 Half way round the first lap a short sharp guest of wind took them by surprise and they found themselves having an early bath .
17 The trip from Jura that morning had been exciting enough , with a following sea cork-screwing the boat wildly as we ran before it , with the occasional shuddering ‘ gybe ’ when a shift of wind took us by surprise .
18 Impatiently , Jezrael pushed the canopy back and an icy blast of wind snatched it from her grasp .
19 The sharp pang of disappointment seared her like a physical pain .
20 Millions of pounds of investment meant nothing to Bedford-St Pancras commuters when their long-awaited new electric trains were laid up in the sidings while BR and the rail unions hammered each other over one-man operation .
21 During February , 1692 the Campbells went to Glencoe and under the guise of friendship billeted themselves on McIan Macdonald and his kinsmen .
22 The distortion of perception extended itself to areas other than my body .
23 Not that the organs of perception apprehended it at the time .
24 As I escorted Marinka to the Oasis Arena in the torrential rain , the scene of mimose reminded me of my halcyon days at .
25 Thinking of Bonanza got me on trying to figure his reaction if Vecchi got hooked for the Mahoney killing .
26 A glint of light caught something on his wrist .
27 Midge 's total lack of emotion prevented him from sharing his own grief with her and he found that unbearable .
28 I hoped that the off-licence opened soon because the journey to Dover could only be improved by getting drunk ; besides , a few cans of lager helped me through the morning pretty well , and killed off hunger till late afternoon .
29 In 1939 appointment to the Disney chair of archaeology distinguished her as the first woman professor in the university .
30 A spasm of delight shook her from head to toe as he plundered her neck .
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