Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] she have " in BNC.

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1 She had not travelled for pleasure since she had come home from her long sojourn and she had wiped out of her memory the simple delights of hot sun and cheap wine .
2 She had pressed the pinafored lady for confirmation that she had understood her last question , but the answer had still come back ‘ one week ’ .
3 It was n't until she had returned to the lounge after washing-up that she had discovered that the door of the glass display cabinet was swinging open .
4 She could hear cars and lorries swooshing past and tried desperately to call for help but she had no breath .
5 He had been delighted to the point of euphoria when she had bought the Victorian clothes .
6 No matter how careful I was , Dawn soon had raw patches of skin where she 'd pulled out her feathers .
7 She is not hurt by what I have said , she thought , she is neither hurt nor angry , she does not understand what I have said , her mind is losing the powers of comprehension and she has no longer an emotional response .
8 She did n't because the moment was not right ; she did not yet know that she could not plead from her position of privilege that she had suffered too — ‘ So you want to annex our wrongs as well , do you ? ’ he might well have answered to her in just bitterness .
9 erm then when it comes to Adam , the first thought in relation to Adam is of course that she 's improved her own position , is n't it ?
10 I agree , she would not normally have expected the remainder to fall in and be useful to her , but of course if she had had children , it would have been valuable to them . ’
11 That and the intriguing touch of intimacy when she had stroked the back of his neck .
12 There was none of the clashing of iron , or stamping of horse that she had come to associate with both skirmish and battle , only an odd silence , save for the distant and familiar sound of a storm wind , and the voice of a flock of birds , coming closer …
13 These or other events in her life at this time , even the sad ones like the passing of the first anniversary of her husband 's death , may be the key that will open the door for her to freedom from the prison of grief where she has finished the hard labour of bereavement .
14 The scales were dry and silver , and fell like little clouds of snow when she had to scratch the skin because the cream from her doctor would not stop the itching .
15 Gingerly she felt her mouth with her fingertips ; they came away with a splattering of blood where she had bitten her own lip .
16 Sometimes , in fact , she had felt she was in danger of neglecting the rest of her pupils for though her voice continued to drone on , snapping out an instruction here , a correction there , she was in reality watching Paula out of the corner of her eye , and experiencing the same excitement of discovery that she had felt on the day when Paula had first walked into her office .
17 She probably knew too that they had been none too fond of Granny when she 'd been alive .
18 She did n't want involvement with any man ; it was simply a cruel twist of fate that she had got it , and there was no way that she was going to expose her vulnerability to him .
19 Daniel had explained to her that he liked very simple food that he could eat with one hand , because of his inability to eat without reading , and so , for supper his first night , she had brought him scrambled egg on a piece of toast that she had already cut up into precise and helpful squares .
20 Daniel had been offering to lend her his favourite book of poetry as she had developed a liking for it .
21 It is only after a long period of counselling that she has at last realised that she has to drop her charge against her father , and to forgive him for not being the person that she longed he should be .
22 She took a sip of wine before she 'd had time to wonder whether that might be wise .
23 He 'd lost weight , his eyes were staring and red as if they 'd been rolled in grit , and his clothes hung on him like a scarecrow 's ; it was almost as if , in the course of the past few weeks , he 'd been drained of the zest and the energy and the sense of confidence that she 'd steadily been picking up .
24 They had been crossing a scree ; there had been many loose stones , and footing was difficult , but surely at that point they had been traversing a gentler slope , and her employer had actually been standing on a flattish stretch of granite when she had fallen .
25 All night long she had lain awake , worrying about what had happened and wishing with the benefit of hindsight that she had handled it better , but nothing could change what had gone on .
26 He was evidently much more successful in the art of privacy than she had been .
27 Never in the entire two years she 'd known him had he inspired in her such a hopeless rage of jealousy as she 'd experienced when Guido had looked at that girl .
28 He noticed how bare the room was of the bits and pieces that usually make two lives one life ; but Carla had tried to compensate for that with a beachcomber 's finds : little groups of pebbles and shells on the windowsills , a fan of dried marram in a vase , a gnarled limb of driftwood that she had smoothed and varnished .
29 Mitch looked stunned and she felt an incredible burst of guilt that she had not told him about this girl 's problem .
30 Feeling a twinge of guilt because she 'd inadvertently brought it all up when all they wanted was for it to remain buried , and pushing aside for the moment the whys and wherefores of her grandfather 's involvement , Ellie apologised quietly , ‘ I 'm sorry .
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