Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] [conj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They knew that palladium has a natural affinity for hydrogen and that if palladium is used as the cathode the hydrogen ions initially migrate into it ; as more and more hydrogen goes in so it gets under ever greater pressures .
2 If it did , and even allowing for Melby 's overwhelming dilemma , it is a little surprising to read his conclusion that , if the French were really serious about decolonization and that if military force was properly applied , they could at least hold the lid on the Indo-Chinese kettle for the predictable if only relatively limited future .
3 Briefly , briefly tonight er Reynolds and Major issued this statement which said all those claiming a serious interest in advancing the cause of peace in Ireland should renounce of or support for violence if and when such a renunciation of violence has been made and sufficiently demonstrated , new doors could open , do you think the I R A might well respond positively to that ?
4 It has much more to do with control of the party 's thinking and its power structures ; the debate about modernisation of ideology and whether or not the Scottish party should become more or less independent of the rest of the UK Labour Party .
5 ‘ that somehow pornography is the root cause of oppression and that if you eliminated it , you would reduce the amount of violence against women .
6 Stevie says that grieving is an important part of bereavement and that if she bottles it up it will only be worse later .
7 And er it 's a question of initiative and if if there is a local need for some sort of communications well perhaps the parish councils can find some way
8 Any alteration to the pleadings thereafter can only be undertaken by Minute of Amendment and whether or not that is permissible is a matter of discretion for the Court .
9 Well this you can sit down in the seats , you can look at the you can touch the tables , there 's not a lot of stuff but if if you got any sense of history you can get the feel of the place you know .
10 The idea is that articulate language is a barrier to rather than a medium of communication and that if only this barrier could be removed , human beings would revert to a golden age of wordless , heartfelt communication .
11 It is said that invoices were raised against Wessex on behalf of Abbey and that when payment was received by Abbey the moneys were diverted by Mr. Tully and others and were partly dissipated in bribes and partly disguised and concealed in various bank accounts and other havens .
12 In science , and we include the social sciences in this despite the arguments both about the nature of science and whether or not the social sciences can be counted as such , an important , indeed essential , element of the context of research problems is theory .
13 What is more difficult to predict into the middle of the next century is the proportion of the total population that this older group will constitute , because that depends upon the birth-rate , and the latter , if past experience is anything to go on , shifts unpredictably with transient social circumstances — such as the level of unemployment or whether or not there is a war — as well as with unstable social attitudes to child-bearing and the age at which it is thought suitable for women to bear children .
14 It has been said that the Court should consider an interim sum ‘ which would alleviate or mitigate the sufferings or hardships of the pursuer as a result of the injuries during the interim period until the case is finally decided ’ but , more recently , some judges have been persuaded that there is no reason why the interim payment should be restricted to the period up to the date of Proof and that if some estimate of the full value of the claim can be made , the pursuer is entitled to receive a significant portion thereof .
15 The distinction has been more in the minds of the negotiators ( especially the British negotiators ) than it has been a reality or , more important , likely to be given much credence by the Court of Justice if and when it comes to adjudicate on the basis of the Treaty .
16 Erm , soul , as you 'll recollect , stands in this funny relation erm between body and and when we get up to intellect we 're actually transcending the soul as well .
17 One night I 'm in bed — just sort of lying there , thinking about stuff and that when Marie walks in and goes straight over to her door .
18 It enables the minister , for example , to bring sections of an act into effect as and when required .
19 It is known that the prevalence increases with age and that while the incidence in children is lower than that in adults , intrafamilial clustering has been shown .
20 Short printed leaflets , such as pathfinders , subject guides or topical guides on subjects of current interest can be made available for use as and when required .
21 This results in the Collectair library gaining valuable notes , all of which is carefully filed away for use as and when the archive that has been created over the past few years becomes available to students of aviation history .
22 This is an important decision clarifying the extent of the powers available for use as and when appropriate .
23 We are determined that it will remain on the statute book for use if and when it is necessary to be used . ’
24 The Poitevins claimed that they had been attacked while peace talks were in progress and that though they had naturally defended themselves they had certainly not intended to kill the Earl .
25 This must be born in mind if and when the allocation of units is under consideration .
26 Concern has been expressed that the ordinary principles of criminal liability will draw into the net other non-violent demonstrators who may be considered to be assisting or encouraging the conduct in question and that unless such people leave the scene quickly they might face the serious charge of riot .
27 A combination that will put you very much in demand if and when you return to civilian life .
28 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
29 ‘ It 's you , ’ he greeted me without delight and as though he had been expecting someone else .
30 But I am sure that a dynamic system which is flexible enough to respond to congestion as and when it occurs and can cope over time with any land use intensity changes without modification , will be more acceptable to the travelling public than rigid systems .
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