Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 We also have in the area a tremendous number of new houses which have never been contacted by us or for by any political party and I would hope that we might be able to do er something about the area behind the church there is er an area that comes to mind which could well be fruitful , and I would hope that we might during this year get er some kind of literature out to these places apart from election literature .
2 Oh I think a fact , I think its a fact two thousand pounds is a lot of money even to some body that 's relative , you know
3 I know Mother traded with him from time to time , and once sent a quantity of wool away to another mill and had some back as grey blankets .
4 Mr Antonis is having a hard time getting his message of openness across to all the citizens of Antwerp .
5 Mr Chairman , this , in actual fact , I can put a little bit of light on to this , I mean , having had two of my children , erm , attended this , Air Training Corps .
6 Despite some disappointments , the general progress of science was by this time undoubted , and a source of pride even to those not connected with it .
7 Gilding , silvering and tinning ( all involving the application of a thin layer of metal on to another metal ) have been used since the third millennium BC for decorative or practical purposes and also for deception .
8 This had been the basic premise of a proposal made in late August by the Netherlands ( holder of the presidency of the Council of Ministers in the second half of 1991 ) specifying four conditions for economic convergence : ( i ) a high degree of price stability , indicated by a level of inflation close to that of the best-performing state for a two-year period ; ( ii ) a sustainable government financial position , indicated by budget deficits deemed not to be excessive ; ( iii ) currency within the 2.5 per cent fluctuation margins of the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System for at least two years without devaluation against other member state 's currency ; and ( iv ) a close approximation of comparable interest rates to those member states with the best performance in terms of price stability .
9 In our description of intonation up to this point , the only pitch contrasts found in the tone-unit are the different possible choices of tone for the tonic syllable .
10 Helen dumped a spoonful of stew on to each plate except her own and sat down again .
11 Mm , that 's right , I mean the fact that agriculture tends to be perfectly com right , why there tends to be a lot of independent small producers is because there are no economies of scale , you know , apart from beyond , you know , a certain size of farm , you know , stud studies in the U K show that once you get , get beyond about two thousand hectares there are , there are significant dis-economies of scale , and although there are economies of scale up to that point , and that 's only in the case of very specialist types of production , by and large once you 've got a farm in excess of five hundred hectares , erm , you start to run into dis-economy , and mostly managerial dis-economies of scale .
12 I mean I must say it looks a bit bitty but erm er now you see up there they 've got the same , similar sort of style really to those houses .
13 Accordingly , he has argued , it should be of concern only to those involved in the respective private sector transactions .
14 As the build-up to the pending general election got under way , the position of the leader of the Liberal Democrats , Paddy Ashdown , came under scrutiny when on Feb. 5 he made a statement acknowledging that some years earlier he had had a " brief relationship " with a woman ( identified as Patricia Sullivan , now known under the name Howard ) ; he stressed , however , that this " should have remained a private and personal matter of concern only to those involved " .
15 There are more than 200 stockbroking firms eager to take on private clients , ranging from the independent , old-fashioned type of broker through to some of the larger international firms or subsidiaries of the clearing banks .
16 Pameton is little publicised because it is of value only to that small number of people who may misuse medicines .
17 PEAS capital gains tax savings were of value only to those whose capital gains had in the given year exceeded the free allowance — not a predicament in which the average punter found himself .
18 Unfortunately , this also means that they are of value only to those users who have the expertise and the authority to make more detailed investigations .
19 Mrs Gould who I am happy to say is quite well has been fully occupied in making drawings of the soft parts of the birds together with appropriate plants flowers berries etc. which will be introduced into my work and I trust from the fund of information I shall be enabled to add that the book will not be void of interest especially to all lovers of ornithology …
20 It was well known how these sinister plasteel cadavers could house Stealer broods , adrift for centuries or millennia till a fluke of the warp vomited the derelict into truespace close to some vulnerable world .
21 She gave the young MacGregor a book on Parliament but he did not read it at the time , and he can not trace his decision to go into politics back to that .
22 For viscoelastic materials such as polymers the sawtooth mode , in which load , extension or strain varies linearly with time up to some preset value is the least useful for the materials scientist .
23 But my principle comment this morning is with regard generally to all criteria and with particular reference to criterion one , avoiding the greenbelt .
24 Since the Soweto uprising , some reforms of the system have taken place , in response partly to this political pressure but partly also to the changing nature of the South African economy .
25 Personal study kits and work books are an integral part of the course , and it is in part up to each individual to ensure that his or her course work is up to date .
26 Nevertheless Poland was still encumbered by a poorly developed industrial sector , a primitive , almost feudal , agricultural system , an under-funded banking sector and a poorly integrated railway system , and was hampered by the fact that it paid out 40 per cent of Gross National Income ( approximately 28 per cent of all government expenditure ) to maintain an army that was second in size only to that of Russia .
27 Damage to the cervical spine from rheumatoid arthritis has been noted in 30% to 46% of necropsy studies and is second in frequency only to that seen in the metatarsophalangeal joints .
28 Before leaving the accident site the investigator needs to make a wreckage plot showing where all the pieces of wreckage were positioned , in relation both to each other and to a fixed point on a large scale map .
29 Shoppers approaching what LET have named The Galleries from New Street and High Street will be channeled along a brand new street flanked by granite and stone-clad pseudo-Classical shops and offices , entering the new mall under a vast glazed dome , second in diameter only to that of St Paul 's Cathedral .
30 The outlines of his life are familiar but , because it fell into three parts separated by place as well as time , it is obscure in detail even to those who were closest to him at any given time .
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