Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 The reason that a protected tenancy , for example , does not fall within section 3 is because there is a separate regime of protection provided for such tenants .
2 The burlesquing of the debate over this issue does not simply lie in the Nun 's Priest 's professions of inability to cope with such learned speculations : or in his finally declaring the problem irrelevant : Learned in-joking on one of the authorities on the subject of freewill and providence , Boethius , is also found in the fox 's ability to refer to Boethius ' book on music ( 3293 – 4 ) and the fact that the fox breaks into Chauntecleer 's yard " " By heigh ymaginacioun forncast " " , " Foreseen by High Imagination " ( 3217 ) .
3 Diffusion of responsibility occurs to such a degree in Japan that outright blame is not easily assigned .
4 Faith is perhaps the operative word for the collector of modern books , the type of faith displayed with such success by booksellers such as Bertram Rota who was recently called by another specialist in this field the ‘ master-mason of the modern first edition ’ .
5 The site may of course benefit from such covenants which have previously been imposed on adjoining landowners .
6 Modern scientific medicine has of course dispensed with such speculative constructs , but thereby it may also have sacrificed therapeutic insights available to our renaissance predecessors .
7 ( Smart , 1959 ; Armstrong , 1968 , 1980 ; Lewis , 1966 , 1972 ) What is distinctive about this view is not that it takes the episodes of consciousness to stand in such causal relations .
8 What must strike the modern reader is the very small amounts of out-relief involved in such cases .
9 Many of our partners and allies take the position that they do not recognise governments and that therefore no question of recognition arises in such cases .
10 To create a sense of occasion that is in keeping with the depth of emotion felt at such times is very difficult without recognized formalities and strong ritualistic content .
11 We are also pleased that the guidance removes existing doubt for local authorities regarding the possibility of compensation claims in such cases .
12 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
13 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
14 In this latter attempt to turn the coercive action of metaphor back on itself lies the seed of the type of metaphor developed in Such .
15 The company also stressed that no drainage system could have coped with the amount of rain caused by such a ‘ freak ’ storm .
16 The lack of confidence engendered by such a barren run was all to evident , as Tottenham soon set about imposing themselves on this unremarkable match .
17 The minimal form of adjudication consists in such determinations , and we shall call the secondary rules which confer the power to make them ‘ rules of adjudication ’ .
18 She was beginning to have second thoughts about bothering the Police with such a mass of suspicion based on such little tangible fact .
19 Once again , the intensity of contact spread over such a long time in the field makes this form of self-monitoring difficult to maintain , and there was also a general resistance from below to the management 's instruction .
20 Again given that these conditions deal with a business sale , these exclusions are likely to pass the test of reasonableness imposed in such cases by s 6 of the UCTA .
21 It would be grossly unfair to suggest that it can not be used by anyone else , but the degree of achievement attained by such users will be limited
22 In particular we need to know how best to formulate models of behaviour to apply to such data and how best to test whether these models are consistent with the evidence .
23 For it was still universally accepted that the academic type of education offered at such schools was the best .
24 The form of joinery used on such instruments implies ‘ able craftsmanship and an availability of at least small gouges and chisels ’ ( Lawson 1978 , p. 96 ) .
25 But there are dangers of over-simplification hidden in such complaints , which need to be examined .
26 This meant that the USSR did not have the security of tenure stipulated by such treaties .
27 The reason for this , not surprisingly , is that the sale of the better properties , and the partial freezing of capital derived from such sales , has resulted in the continued decline , in both quality and quantity , of the remaining housing stock .
28 In South Australia , for instance , geologists recently discovered a source of copper hidden under such a layer .
29 Whilst its coverage of public affairs ‘ news ’ was not comparable to the Daily Mirror — the amount of space devoted to such news declined between 1927 and 1937 by 59 square inches or 5% — that decline is one of 19% if one assumes that that content should have expanded in line with the expansion of total editorial space .
30 Until such time as the Secretary of State agrees to such a Commission , the Council agrees to support the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ' call for a policy of non-co-operation between the Authority and The Scottish Office over the question of local government reorganisation .
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