Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [conj] at the " in BNC.

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1 Well , you do n't wan na worry about them because at the end of the day , I mean if if that was absolutely desperate I shall turn round and say well I 'm sorry I 've bloody got to and that 's it !
2 A military-bureaucratic oligarchy is functional to the needs of a state which requires a degree of autonomy from class interests in order to mediate between them while at the same time preserving capitalism as the dominant mode of production and private property as a fundamental institution .
3 Nobody 's criticising you nobody 's making I 'm not making a criticism of her cos at the end of the day right if we now talking the scenario that we 're painting now let's take this girl on , not girl girl on right , you can have cos she 's far more impressive .
4 He envied Boxer Sullivan waiting for him in the farmhouse , as like as not with a bottle of beer in front of him or at the very least a cup of tea .
5 So if you go back to the sort of where we gave it five or six headings yeah or three to six headings you should be aiming say well I 'll input a bit of information on that side of it and at the end of that little section I 'll build in some practice in participation and the participation can be any of those ones you 've put in there on that list you gave us early on er practical allocations
6 He sees the burgeoning Green awareness as a step towards it but at the moment it could be a step towards almost anything .
7 Yeah , where , look see where this light is up here , look , as soon as I 've parked I 'll get it for you but at the moment I ca n't reach it
8 Now I want to allow a bit more time for questions so I 'll just end if I may with a funny story which , did n't happen to me , it happened to a colleague of mine , erm a young lady , who went to give er a talk like this to group of adults like yourselves and at the end of the meeting the treasurer went up to her and said do we owe you any fee or expenses ?
9 And he came running out behind us and at the back this massive puzzle and he slipped over in the mud sli slide straight forward and into the .
10 aged quite rapidly , we were lucky with ours cos at the time I could n't , you know thought she was about twelve ,
11 He 's better here , better with us than at the Sebsky … ’
12 On 7 April it was reported that , " last Saturday a body of sailors , to the number of 400 to 500 assembled at North Shields … and proceeded from thence to Sunderland with colours flying before them and at the cross there read a paper setting forth their grievances and a demand for immediate redress .
13 All I 'm saying is I 've got to have people , I 've got confidence in me because at the end of the day I 'm responsible
14 It appears from them that at the time of their earlier meeting , presumably during his long visit to England in 1086 , Gunhilda had been captivated by his talk , and he by her attachment :
15 Here is now , left edge of the penalty area , moving towards the byline and doing well there to take it away from him but at the expense of a throw-in , that 's taken back to Alan , is twenty yards back from the byline and moving back out towards the touchline on the far side .
16 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
17 what 's happened , but it does say in it that at the beginning that you assume that he is a youth because he 's got , come from university , but when he 's in the graveyard the fellow , it , it comes out that he 's thirty is n't he ?
18 At first the family gather round it and at the end as the actors steal away into the darkness it is the piano which makes the final sounds .
19 At first the family gathers round it and at the end , as the actors steal away into the darkness , it is the piano which makes the final sounds .
20 I do n't think , I feel a bit sorry for her because at the moment they 're running a teaching profession down so much are n't they ?
21 She lived in a bungalow provided for her and at the time of Mr Farrington 's death was receiving £2.50 per week for her services and paying £1.50 a week inclusive of rates for the bungalow .
22 So we thought , No if we can stop them to speak to them cos at the end of the day we ca n't actually stop them going up , we can give them as much harassment as we can yes er and keep within the law .
23 Armanjani reported to me that at the height of his powers our man sometimes accompanied a two hour programme of film trailers spliced together .
24 I should be grateful if you would , in accordance with the confidentiality undertaking , now return the Information memorandum to me and at the same time confirm in writing that you and your advisers have destroyed any further copies of the documentation .
25 Mr Macfadyen put it to him that at the meeting with Mackie the next day he had not advised him that Shanks & McEwan intended to issue a profits warning .
26 Each one had a spiral staircase the length of a lighthouse leading up to it and at the top lived a teacher .
27 The thought patterns allow me to erm put down what I wanted to talk about , expand on it and at the same time break it down into areas and on the other and spend some time on each area .
28 or abilities and build on it cos at the moment everybody 's re-inventing the wheel and you 're making a lot of work in my opinion .
29 His mouth closed over hers and at the same time his body abruptly demanded entry .
30 So you can imagine Frank Clarke thinking well we 've got the wind behind us we 've got ta put a lot of high balls into the box and he is very important to us but at the moment he 's not making the box .
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