Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [conj] [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 " In the meantime , I have directed that my daughters look after you and keep you entertained .
2 But actually big brothers can be quite kindly and look after you and help you with their experience .
3 But I 'm going to put the evidence in front of you and ask you to decide for yourselves .
4 The psychological power is eroded because although the community can still disapprove of you and make you an outcast if you defy the hierarchy , beyond the community is the world of English people — an unfriendly world , but it does exist .
5 They can also threaten to get rid of you or deselect you .
6 We 'll take that mat out of the way So what if you did get a pound , if you did get a pound Claire would you , would you still save half of it or do you think you might save a bit less than half ?
7 Gradually it sort of like brings people out of themselves and do you know what I mean , they learn to do things .
8 When you are driving a racing car and you are taking it up to the limit , you can be nice , you can be charming , but somewhere there are undercurrents going for you that make you a pretty aggressive individual . ’
9 ‘ Right , ’ Ben said solemnly , ‘ but for now can I wait by here for you and walk you back home , it 's no time for a young lady to be out alone . ’
10 I 'll grind your corn for you and charge you nothing at all . "
11 A solicitor can interpret the law for you and help you take advantage of your full legal entitlement to reliefs and allowances .
12 ‘ My dear Ellis , continue like this and I 'll put a word in for you and get you job . ’
13 I can handle it for you and see you clear enough to lay yourselves out something really nice with what 's left , really classy bit of landscaping .
14 ‘ I 'll hold the fort for you and ring you if anything comes up . ’
15 That 's the idea cos when it 's the exam I ca n't come in and do it for you or show you how to do it .
16 In fact has it been a very difficult year for you or have you been able to have some control , because it 's all down to the watering I guess
17 Ferns seem either to like you or hate you .
18 If you are not aware of what is happening , the sea could move in behind you and cut you off your route to dry land .
19 I 'll take you up with me and put you to bed . ’
20 ‘ Then I will stay with you and drive you back here .
21 Can I come and live with you and help you ?
22 ‘ So he was going to have a drink with you and help you get yours down , was that the idea ? ’
23 I 'd better come with you and help you … steady ! ’
24 I 'll come with you and introduce you to Helen , Sister Reynolds , at the same time . ’
25 ‘ Do you want me to come with you and show you the way out ? ’ offered Endill .
26 Once you go through reception they do n't know what you 're like , or what your background is , but they tend to be rough with you and push you and see how far they can go — and most of the girls crack .
27 Someone may jump onto you or grab you in a lonely street .
28 Be prepared to tell the boat to windward that this is what you intend to do so that he does nor barge down onto you and force you further along the line .
29 Mr Scott is here , so I 'll go with him and see you later …
30 Do you walk with him or do you put him in a baby walker ?
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