Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [conj] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ward was still asleep when I turned right and headed eastwards towards the Andes , the mist a white vapour , the rice fields , the cacti , the occasional trees , all having a weirdness about them that matched my mood and added to my growing fear of what lay ahead , beyond the mountains I could not see .
2 At the close of the Ecclesiastical History Bede wrote that such serious commotions had characterized the beginning and course of the reign that it was impossible to know what to say about them or anticipate their eventual outcome ( HE V , 23 ) .
3 Tricia backed her way out , never taking her eyes off me or letting her bearings slip .
4 Their fate should , therefore , be in some sense at least exemplary : opportunity was certainly offered to them , they had choices , at eighteen the world opened for them and displayed its riches , the brave new world of Welfare State and County Scholarships , of equality for women , they were the elite , the chosen , the garlanded of the great social dream .
5 It existed to ‘ speak for artists and art organisations , to offer them advice , to argue for them and to champion their interests in the media and to government whenever and wherever the need may arise ’ .
6 The next night Geoffrey Appleyard went in alone , and after scouting round for the two agents he was to meet , he abandoned all caution , running up and down the beach shouting for them and waving his torch .
7 Such " regular casuals " can remain " regular casuals " only if they are prepared to accept the schedules set for them and to take their free days when there are no events and their holidays during the off-season .
8 Phoebe was surprised ; she had somehow thought that after Rachel 's sterling conduct of the night before , she would now take charge , go on looking after them all , manage everything for them and leave her free to walk the road that she had to walk .
9 When he speaks an aside to us , in his own person , it is in verse : He continues in their prose , but when he wants to express his respect for them and offer his services , he moves up to verse : ‘ I 'll show thee the best springs ; I 'll pluck thee berries ; /I 'll fish for thee , and get thee wood enough ’ ( 160f . ) .
10 They imported artists and artisans from Greece to carry out this work for them and to ornament their buildings ; they also imported actual sculpture from Greece for the same purpose .
11 Will teachers have sufficient respect for them as to make their judgements acceptable ?
12 He was confusing her , sabotaging the lines of communication between them and making her sound even more guilty than she had to start with .
13 ( The five Central Asian republics — Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Kirgizia , Tadjikistan and Turkmenia — reached a further agreement on Aug. 14 to set up direct trading links between them and to reduce their dependence on central economic planning .
14 With the rebuff from Moore , he and Harris had been forced to split west and north London between them and do their own distribution .
15 Instead he silently walked the few feet between them and put his arms round her .
16 He sent for me and demanded my resignation , and we had the worst row I 've ever had in my business life . ’
17 He wired all my lamps for me and fixed my washing machine . ’
18 Lord Scarman said : ‘ The principle is that parental right or power of control of the person and property of his child exists primarily to enable the parent to discharge his duty of maintenance , protection and education until he [ that is , the child ] reaches such an age as to be able to look after himself and make his own decisions . ’
19 ‘ He 's already among the best players in the world , but he must look after himself and have his own identity and personality .
20 She began to march towards the door , but Theda ran after her and grasped her arm .
21 He caught hold of the two nearest him and knocked their heads together , kicked two more and grabbed the ringleaders .
22 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
23 She leaned across to pull the door shut after him and felt his warm breath on her cheek .
24 Without time to do more than yell in protest as he set off , Sarella launched herself after him and did her utmost to keep pace .
25 I ran after him and grabbed his arm to stop him .
26 Let it get gamey and he 's erm Chinese assistant the person who has been assigned to sort of look after him and do his do his translating and things like that took it down and buried it cause they did n't eat rotten meat they did
27 Disgruntled , he turned sharply away , leaving her staring after him and shaking her head , disappointment and frustration written on her face .
28 He put one hand out ; she put out hers and gripped his forearm , looked up briefly and made a noise which might have been " thanks " , and went on working at the strap of her shoe .
29 I think it must have been Tom 's fear from the past , knowing what happened to black people who stepped out of line that made him so afraid to stick up for himself and stand his ground .
30 Suddenly they all surged towards me and flung their coins into the canvas sheet I was guarding and one old codger decided to go home .
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