Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is that tender , chiding , mutual affection which makes these beautifully translated letters between them so agreeable to read .
2 If Dave is looking over Andy 's shoulder for someone more influential to talk to , then his sub-text is ‘ I 'm being cursorily polite until I see someone better . ’
3 Avoid behaviour indicating sub-text like : ‘ You 're boring me rigid and I 'm looking for someone more interesting to talk to . ’
4 A most significant departure for someone so senior to involve himself personally .
5 He asked me if I could arrange for somebody thoroughly trustworthy to visit the premises , telling me that he had given the key to a neighbour .
6 The children in question are boys , two per family , the youngest ten , the oldest 15 , all of them passionately devoted to rock ‘ n ‘ roll .
7 This latest coup was attempted not by officers anxious to vindicate the army 's honour , but by disgruntled sergeants and corporals , most of them too young to have taken part in the dirty war .
8 It seems that while an increase in colonic cell proliferation usually precedes and accompanies colorectal carcinogenesis , a reduction of cellular proliferation is not of itself always sufficient to reverse the process .
9 Think of something more useful to let U be equal to Cos this is the the main part of it .
10 The ambiguity of something so ill-defined argued for on such different , and sometimes contradictory grounds , needs serious analysis .
11 She peered at the men fighting , for the life of her not able to think why anyone would come to her rescue .
12 But the car , he 'd er he says oh that was funny he says , I blew past him , popped into fourth , I blew past him real easy going up the .
13 She got , and hated , a job in a fruit pulpers in Covent Garden , and would drop in at lunchtimes , and one day , in the absence of anyone else competent to run the switchboard , she took it over for an hour .
14 ‘ Yes … so do I. ’ She murmured agreement for want of anything more constructive to say .
15 ‘ How are you ? ’ — ‘ I 'm fine ’ , and talk about the weather are designed to make another individual feel comfortable , to let them know that we are positively disposed towards them when we can not think of anything more significant to say .
16 I CA N'T think of anything more likely to get us through the pre-Christmas traumas than a new play by Don Hayworth .
17 Even those of us too young to have been part of it are still under the spell of the culture of activism formed around it .
18 I think they found women like me really hard to cope with .
19 like someone more anxious to save the wrapping
20 It would not be surprising if Malcolm renewed his efforts c.1016-18 , considering the likely state of England at the time , and Cnut could well have acted against him once free to do so .
21 A lot of the time she just seemed to forget that he was there , and he 'd shamble along behind her just happy to stay close . ’
22 20 years ago THE Monty Python team made the move from small screen to big screen as And Now for Something Completely Different came to Darlington Odeon .
23 ‘ We have , ’ she agreed numbly , fishing around for something amazingly trivial to say that would lighten the atmosphere .
24 Many oaks provide intense leaf colour but for something more unusual look out for Nyssa sylvatica , the black gum ; Liquidambar styraciflua , the sweet gum , or Parrotia persica , the Persian ironwood .
25 ‘ Why would she lie about something so easy to disprove ?
26 And he takes us , bad bargain that we are poor and miserable that we were , with nothing seemingly positive to offer , he takes us bag and baggage , he takes us with all our sin , with all our failure , with all our mistakes , he takes us with all that is , th th the clutters of our lives , he says you 're mine now .
27 In our nightmares we see a black and white world of junkies and non-junkies , with nothing very apparent separating them .
28 Charity glanced at the clock as she poured and announced that she 'd missed it , Peregrine asking if it mattered a hoot anyway , the wireless these day being so hopelessly uninformative , with nothing more important to impart than news of patrol activity on the Maginot Line .
29 The set-pieces are derivative of any number of second-rate movies ( with one particularly blatant steal from Turner and Hooch ) .
30 And I would recommend we just stick with something very basic to start off with like paracetamol , two four times a day Something so very very simple like that .
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