Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In expanding their empire , the British had habitually sought out local agents through whom to impose their authority , and though these arrangements often broke down after the initial period of contact , sometimes they did not .
2 This provides a forum for everyone to express their views , challenge the need for demolition and put forward alternatives .
3 There would be an hour 's stop in Sudbury for everyone to stretch their legs if they wanted to , and dinner would be served as soon as the train started again .
4 He was n't greedy and there was more than enough for everyone to have their share .
5 The astounding indulgences granted Winterbotham by the regime apparently formed part of a scheme to woo ranking foreigners and through them impress their governments with Germany 's mounting might .
6 This is because it is second nature for them to pose their questions at the level of the individual organism .
7 And maybe then you would like to see society move towards a situation in which the role of women was recognised in such a way that it was possible for them to leave their babies in creches , would you , or
8 He had had to give up his own little hidey-hole in the stockroom to clear a space for them to hang their coats .
9 Promotion and relegation issues are invariably not settled before the last week of the season , so there would be no point in clubs signing players only for them to kick their heels after the deadline .
10 A lump sum , we wo n't ask for it back , and maybe it 's been useful for them to adapt their lives in the meantime .
11 In many countries the stated role of the state archive is to record the history of the state , and to give members of the public access to information necessary for them to undertake their responsibilities , duties and rights as citizens .
12 ( Princes ) do not have the right to say that they find the books dedicated to them atrocious or that the music which they play for them scorches their ears
13 It was time for them to put their houses in order , ‘ and for the Home Secretary to insist they do ’ .
14 It is all too easy for them to continue their lives as minor Party ‘ nomenclaturi ’ .
15 Did they not feel the pressure of hopes raised , of hungry naked children waiting for them to move their pens ?
16 It helps to give my students ’ — he reiterated the words with an almost fatherly affection — ‘ an insight into the minds , the outlook , the culture of the French people … and , of course , it provides excellent opportunities for them to improve their French . ’
17 First , focusing again on poverty , this income ‘ package ’ of earnings , benefits and child support will create a strong poverty trap for lone mothers , making it very difficult for them to improve their incomes .
18 The Soviet armed forces , in particular , would be provided with everything that was necessary for them to perform their task .
19 They can be planted anywhere in the general scheme , mixed with herbaceous perennials , annuals , bulbs , shrubs or roses , provided the site chosen for them supplies their requirements , as with any garden plant .
20 So money can be found when the Government feel that it is necessary for them to sustain their vote throughout the country .
21 Some water shrews feed on relatively large fish or newts , so it is important for them to immobilise their prey rapidly .
22 It has always been hard for them to translate their music success into a sustained movie career .
23 It seemed unlikely , however , that a more abrasive or divisive programme would be the way for them to recover their position .
24 Soon the Commandant would come through the gates and into the compound and the orders would be shouted for them to form their ranks for roll-call and check before the march to the Factory for work .
25 The girls suffered agonies of exposure as they waited for them to reach their seats .
26 It was quite possible for them to take their deferences and privileges and give rather little in return .
27 It was fatal for them to emphasize their differences in the face of armed attack from the German Nazi or Austrian Christian Social autocracies .
28 The use of restraints upon building investment as an economic regulator to prevent excess domestic demand made it difficult for them to achieve their targets .
29 It makes it impossible for them to pursue their careers and the average hospital bill that faces them often exceeds $ 100 000 .
30 Success makes it hard for them to keep their heads straight . ’
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