Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 It may be a consolation for them to know that I 've been at the receiving end myself .
2 Well it 's difficult for me to say because I was n't involved with the at that time .
3 I think it 's it 's hard for me to say because I did n't work for him for long .
4 There was only one thing for me to do and I dodged behind the Toyota .
5 She barked back , the door slid open wide enough for me to enter and I found myself in a roomful of dames all with rigor mortis of the third-finger-of-the-left-hand .
6 Was it right for me to assume that I would remain senior partner until retirement ?
7 Well I used to share a , share this flat with my mate and erm you know , she got a bit out of hand , she kept bringing all these people home and she kept having these parties and it was really difficult for me to study cos I used to go well I still try to go to college , but erm you know , it was really hard for me to study and made my life really , really difficult !
8 Arousal curve well understanding the need for arousal for me helped because I now understand that having nerves while you 're speaking is not unnatural it is n't something that you 're able to get rid of but you need to be able to work with it and practice to improve performance .
9 Of course , it is not for me to suggest that I am worthy of ever being placed alongside the likes of the ‘ great ’ butlers of our generation , such as Mr Marshall or Mr Lane — though it should be said there are those who , perhaps out of misguided generosity , tend to do just this .
10 This means that any combination of pronoun plus verb , such as I took or I saw , is rendered by an inflected verb as theme in Arabic .
11 Marie yelled after me to wait but I did n't want to talk to her about it so I chucked my sandwich-box over to her and told her she could eat them for me .
12 Yes dear I went to erm , er the er holiday camp in October to erm , er with the Red Cross and I went with the , Charlie took me and I went in a car with a friend of mine we went to the Red Cross holiday in Patefield , but it poured of rain every day every day it poured of rain did n't October it was terrible , ever so cold , but we were well looked after you know and I enjoyed it and we had the wheelchairs to go around in on for the dancing , it was really great I thoroughly enjoyed it , I have n't been for two years I had n't , but I went like in October , cos you 're only allowed really every two years to go , that 's all you 're allowed really , but I thoroughly enjoyed it you know , it was nice
13 My mother and my best friend , both of whom believed that I could just as well have a bath at home , came with me .
14 ‘ It was rash of me to promise when I 'm constantly so strapped for cash . ’
15 Most of them know and I said how ?
16 ‘ Some of them figured that I played Headless Horseman on bass — y'know … the weirdest concepts !
17 It is no criticism of them to say that I felt a bit of a nuisance .
18 One of them asked if I would like some beetroot .
19 But I warned my children completely off teaching so none of them even contemplated , well they did contemplate , two of them did but I just told them no , not to countenance it
20 Most of them broke when I peeled the real leaf off the chocolate which I 'd painted on — not quite up to Mum 's standards of patience and perfection , but who ever saw lots of perfect leaves ( not on a tree ) anyway .
21 Now we 're fortunate with with this that if I turn it on it 's very quiet but if any of you had and I 'm sure Jeff you 've probably seen it where you get some older machines and the fan in there rattles like mad and there 's nothing worse than having that thing rattling all all the day .
22 ‘ Some of you heard that I had tested positive for HIV , the virus that causes AIDS .
23 Not one of you noticed that I dipped this finger into the samples but licked another one .
24 ranging from when I went to Leeds to that seminar and there were people excited about the Festival and you know , two weeks before the Festival speaking to Jane in London , said oh we 've had a lot of you know and I said well I 'll get back to you in September and tell you
25 And I 'll just compare what each of you say and I 'm going to give you some information er researched by .
26 It was arrogant of you to assume that I was inadequate !
27 And take care neither of you stir till I call . ’
28 At this point some of you suspect that I am about to call for public hanging for pederasts and the boiling in oil of muggers .
29 I knew nobody and had no idea of what to expect when I presented myself to the new teacher in my new black overall and white collar .
30 I ca n't tell you more than the bare bones of what happened before I arrived , though the polite version is available in old back copies of Gay News and Annual Reports .
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