Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] it has " in BNC.

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1 NatWest paid around £355,000 for the freehold to Pearl Assurance , and for its money it has a building with a ground floor of 1,952 sq ft plus first floor offices of 1,749 sq ft .
2 The setup in the photograph shows how the finished case looks , and for its size it has to be one of the most versatile and powerful rigs around .
3 Erm but it has n't to the best of my knowledge it has not resulted in a rash of of developments and motorway intersections .
4 Because of its size it has rarely been on view there this century .
5 In continuing to provide good and appropriate music in different styles the Church has something important to offer to the world , and as part of its mission it has the responsibility to do so .
6 William Barnes , a distant Stanhope cousin , lived here for a time , but for most of its life it has been a farmhouse , which it remains .
7 On the back of its thorax it has two flap-like sideways extensions of the chitinous shell that look as though they might be the rudiments of wings .
8 Ultimately it must come down to taking a view of what effect it has had on the standard of living of her people .
9 To reduce the number of hours of our training it has been agreed to offer the next course over four terms only .
10 Unfortunately , unlike its predecessor it has no score system ( I always like to know how far I 've got in a game ) , but I presume this is due to memory restrictions .
11 Known for its skill and aggressiveness in dealing with its enemies it has been used for hunting from an early date in history .
12 Delving deep into its archives it has come up with some winners , not least a luscious 1947 performance of Bax 's The Garden of Fand that I once possessed and enjoyed in its original , 78 rpm form .
13 Despite the enterprise and labour put into its acquisition it has been estimated that all the gold won between the mid-fifteenth and mid-twentieth centuries could be contained in a cube of fifteen yards .
14 Ever since the personnel computer first thrust itself onto our desks it has been a largely text based machine .
15 In my constituency it has stimulated the introduction of three new generating plants , two of them based at oil terminals at Shell haven , where the oil industry welcomes the progress of moves towards gas and is not mounting a rearguard action against it , as the coal industry seems to be doing .
16 In my garden it has made a swift transition from weed to wild flower to flower .
17 But in my book it has to be there , one way or another .
18 But now I have him in my corner it has turned my career around .
19 The money raised by the medieval trustees responsible for the upkeep of the bridge was surplus to requirements , and enabled the bridge to become a landowner , in which capacity it has helped the poor of the town and built and maintained the old grammar school .
20 Either one of two things : either the period of primitive accumulation is taken just as ‘ pre-history ’ ; in which case it has a strict time-limit … or we see it as a process of ousting ‘ third persons ’ in general — in which case the concept itself has to be abolished , since in that case it does not express anything special , specific , etc .
21 In which case it has to find a way of lowering expectations of the public good , limiting damage by the pursuit of private interest , building a different notion of good citizenship and public virtue out of that private interest .
22 At some point in its development it has to create more organized political groups , or convert or capture existing political organizations , which are able to engage directly in a struggle for power and have the capacity to use power when they have gained it in order to reconstruct society .
23 This is not the fault of the dog as up to this point in its life it has always been encouraged to run and chase a similar ‘ creature ’ the lure at the track .
24 In its lifetime it has been a grocer 's shop and a bank .
25 In its time it has been claimed as one of the best dual-purpose breeds in the world ; no doubt the Shorthorn contributed to its early maturity and improved the carcass quality of what was once a rather coarse-boned large beef bullock , while the Jersey presumably contributed to its relatively high butterfat ( a Normande cow , many years ago , held the world butterfat record ) .
26 Bournville , the community that has grown up around Cadbury 's Birmingham factory , is widely regarded as a company town , although from its foundation it has been open to people who do not work for the company and only a minority of the residents now have any link with Cadbury 's .
27 From our experience it has become clear that training black staff is not the only solution .
28 In our society it has been pointed out that we do not always give due credit to the ladies who provide the refreshments at our meetings , and yet the coffee break is an attractive part of the evenings , the time when we can chat about the talk and other railway topics .
29 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
30 The Tirpitz book , Menace , also did well , and was illustrated with more than a hundred photographs and copies of relevant Ultra signals decrypted from the Enigma machines and now in the Public Records Office at Kew : to my surprise it has brought in more royalties from the Public Lending Right scheme than any other book I have written , including 10 Rillington Place .
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