Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] that he " in BNC.

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1 It was important for my self-esteem that he was a successful , sexually confident person who wanted me .
2 He showed an exceptional and sustaining dedication to his art in the face of personal loneliness and critical indifference ; it was only after his death that he emerged as a vital influence on writers of the generation of Evelyn Waugh , W. H. Auden [ qq.v. ] , and Anthony Powell .
3 In the UK the death of Freddie Mercury , 45 , of the rock group Queen , was announced in late November shortly after his declaration that he did have AIDS ; he was the latest of a number of celebrated musicians and other artists to die from AIDS .
4 Bourne , who worked as a driver and minder to for Heidari , was said to have admitted after his arrest that he had thrown the liquid into Michelle 's face , but had thought it was ‘ soapy water ’ .
5 The undergraduates of Magdalene used to say about their Master that he spent the morning doing nothing and spent the afternoon writing about what he had done in the morning .
6 He was so anxious about her whereabouts that he could barely concentrate on his job as a bank officer .
7 as his friends used to call him ) was born prematurely and was not expected to live more than a few weeks ; it was only due to his mother 's great love for her child that he did survive .
8 He had been so blinded by his need for her light that he had failed to see how deeply he stood in her shadow , and his work had been frustrated thereby .
9 He might be able to make a decent cup of coffee but I hope for her sake that he is good at washing up afterwards too .
10 If he could see the sense behind Darwin 's arguments , it is unlikely that his subscribers would ; and it was for their tastes that he catered .
11 And whilst I have gone to Middleton 's grave in the village of Mildenhall , I have found that I could in no way criticise his rejection of my plea that he stayed with the Pathfinders .
12 I reminded him of my advice that he should not have renounced the Upper House so speedily .
13 His mother and grandfather were eyeing him as he emerged from the bed and felt the nag of their expectation that he would go off at once to earn a day 's wage at Aberfeldy .
14 And for him , it was an easy determination that , yes , it was , because there were enough daily shows of evidence by the Vietnamese people , young and old , children , others , of their satisfaction that he was there .
15 Mr Sen also contacted the Central Office of the Industrial Tribunal to check the time limit and was informed by a member of their staff that he should submit his claim by 9th October .
16 One of the boarders was a clergyman , the Reverend Baron from Cheshire , and he , finding her at every turn with the Bible open , praised her devotion , which released from her such loud protestations of her unworthiness that he was stopped in his tracks .
17 THE husband of a heavily-pregnant woman found hanging in a garage told one of her friends that he used to be a backing guitarist for Eric Clapton , a court heard yesterday .
18 He bent over , kissed the least precipitous bit of her chin that he could find and went downstairs to find his daughter .
19 ‘ This has got to stop , Lindie , ’ he said , using a caressing shortening of her name that he had never used before , and that sounded instantly right on his lips .
20 ‘ You 've tried everything , I suppose ? ’ he asked in barely accented , pleasant tones , and earned more of her approval that he was n't talking down to her .
21 But he was incapable of saying more , and instead seized her in a bearlike hug , heedless of her cry that he was squashing her .
22 DESPITE HIS assertion that he is not anti-Japanese ( Business column , June ) , it is difficult to see Jeffrey Ferry 's article as anything other than yet another petulant cry at the temerity of these Japanese — for being good at business when they do n't look like us , behave like us or even speak the language properly .
23 Despite his claim that he does not make things into ideas but only ideas into things , the feeling remains , as , in effect , Berkeley concedes , that ‘ all that is real and substantial … is banished out of the world ’ , and that everything has been made into ‘ so many chimeras and illusions on the fancy ’ .
24 He wanted to look around for Carter despite his fear that he might see him .
25 The man sitting opposite her looked shifty , but she could see from the set of his jaw that he 'd no intention of telling her his suspicions .
26 There is a reference in a letter from one of his dependents that he eventually took a passage home from Corfu on a naval vessel in 1843 ; and that an 1851 census shows that he was living with his wife and two of his daughters at Longhorsley , his birthplace .
27 If he were honest with himself , however , he would admit that he did not miss them ; it was the comfort of his home that he missed .
28 And it is in the privacy of his home that he demonstrates the ultimate love for his partner .
29 The second half of this can be seen to coincide with the opinion of Chatterton which is expressed by Ackroyd 's Wilde : ‘ a strange , slight boy who was so prodigal of his genius that he attached the names of others to it . ’
30 He suffered over evidence that he had links with former communists and the secret police ; over criticism of his ambiguous prescriptions for economic recovery ; and over ridicule of his claims that he had had mystical experiences .
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