Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You 're whippin' it round between me legs like a bloody Red Indian .
2 Some were corporation housing estates , reservations for thee rehabilitation of the working class .
3 Guide books are arranged to suit the convenience of the traveller , for whom routes round a city or a site are often suggested .
4 Meanwhile , back in the ‘ bar area ’ the deadly serious cinephiles for whom going to the cinema had as much magic as attending evening class droned endlessly on .
5 After excluding children for whom data on the continuous variables were missing 5573 ( 63.3% ) were available for analysis of respiratory illness by birth weight and duration of pregnancy .
6 Although some bureaux can make access for disabled clients feasible , there are still many disabled clients for whom coming to a bureau may not be worthwhile even if their problem is pressing .
7 ‘ She 's very clever , ’ William said at once , ‘ making lovely shoes she is for them actresses in the theatre . ’
8 That the BIS was a mixture of unconventional religion and radical politics was further underlined by the support of Garrison and his emissaries from the United States ; British India development as a way of undermining British dependence on American cotton was equally for them part of a package , which included association with ‘ moral force ’ Chartists and hostility to evangelical ‘ sectarianism ’ in antislavery in the form of the BFASS , a view they held despite Sturge 's middle-class political radicalism .
9 In the following year , however , a plot was hatched by the English and their supporters , which regained for them control of the city .
10 Differences between them centre on the covering of the disk , numbers of tentacle scales , arm spine number and shape .
11 The difference between them stems from the choices made in the context of organizing a provision for those who have challenged the authority of their schoolteachers .
12 Between them life at the Minoa is never boring !
13 That morning he 'd had an hour at a training centre ( ’ not just a fleeting photo opportunity ’ ) ; in the street he was collared by an elderly chap about the price of Guinness and tried in vain to stick a Vote For Me sticker on a recalcitrant toddler .
14 There was summat about my head in the stars and walking on clouds in it .
15 I do not need the hon. Member for Gordon to lecture me about my affinity with the mining industry .
16 Their plight made me feel rather guilty about my concern over the mosquito bites on my face .
17 What about my pen in the coat pocket ?
18 I demand a reply from the Minister about my request for an inquiry into the financial ramifications for Mid Glamorgan TECs .
19 On the way home through Canada I wrote the first few chapters of a book about my views on the tour .
20 ‘ My superiors would have dismissed Graham 's allegations about my past as the ramblings of a broken man .
21 I might even have griped about my existence with the Gorengs and thought wistfully of alternatives .
22 After the hearing , Miss Lamplugh said : ‘ I did not actually think about my sister at the time .
23 ‘ I 've enjoyed speaking to audiences about my experiences in the game , ’ he said .
24 Having by then disposed of public affairs , he asked me about my work at the LCC school .
25 I have been enabled to think seriously and deeply about my approach to the subject .
26 After a reasonable second class in Part I of the mathematics Tripos I transferred to theology : my tutor , Fred Marsh , gave me a deep love and critical understanding of the Old Testament , but was realistic about my chances in the theological Tripos .
27 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ I was damned if I was going to have people going around talking about my system as the Cherkin shit experiment . ’
28 Erm the point that both the others raised about my objection with the large document and my objection regarding what you were going to do with the information you could have apacked and come out with a stronger result .
29 Indeed this ‘ gender neutral ’ definition of sexism has become so prevalent even since the first edition of this book was written , it is necessary in this revised edition to be much more explicit about my use of the term .
30 In Chapter 12 I give additional clarifications about my use of the word " structure " and try to explain why a structural approach is incompatible with a description of the world in terms of objects and attributes .
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