Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [coord] i will " in BNC.

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1 There 's only the castle grounds that 's a park in the city centre you 've got to pay a quid to go in there on Saturdays and Sundays and I think these trees really matter I am concerned and I 'm going to ask questions about them and I will talk to David about it as well although the leaf stem he can keep himself .
2 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I 'll close it for him .
3 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I will close it for him ’ Lennox Lewis DONALD MACLEOD Lennox Lewis : ‘ The only fear I know inside the ring is the fear of losing .
4 Yeah I said to her if you look up what they were I 'll pay you for them and I 'll have them if you like he 's a real sweetheart he 's a good boy yeah Look what I bought today Tony .
5 I 'll never forget them for what they did for me and I 'll miss them all terribly , ’ she added .
6 I appreciate everything they have done for me and I 'll never forget that .
7 It went : ‘ Dear citizens , vote for me and I 'll give you houses .
8 ‘ You two wait here for me and I 'll join you in a minute or two , ’ she said .
9 Come to work for me and I 'll forget about the money you owe me . ’
10 Now what I want you to do is ask yourself do n't discuss it just write down for me and I 'll go round the table .
11 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
12 ‘ They wo n't see any less of me and I 'll always have a key to the house , ’ he said .
13 I wo n't allow you to take advantage of me and I wo n't attack you for being who you are .
14 I said scramble some of them and I 'll make you some chips cos we had
15 Come on , go through some of them and I 'll tell you how how crap they are .
16 Just give me a photograph of you and I 'll give you a card .
17 so , I do , you 're not going to get killed , I just say Mr you threatening Mike and he 'll go no Helen because I 'm incredible scared of you and I 'll go I know you are
18 and we 'll put a cross on the bottom of it and I 'll put you a piece of plywood across it and you can stick your nuts on or whatever
19 ‘ Now , do n't try and wriggle out of it or I 'll send Vittorio round to see you .
20 Richard get off the back of it or I 'll put in the buggy .
21 He told her ‘ I 'm going to do a ballet for you and I will make you or I 'll break you .
22 Now the State has already got a problem because in the next century , it will have insufficient people at work to pay for old age pensions we already know Mr Portillo is doing a pension review and is looking about only targeting it to the needy at the bottom well that means a lot of people like you and me will miss out on State pensions .
23 If I can fulfil any of your needs just ring that bell behind you and I will be in attendance as quickly as possible . ’
24 ‘ Do n't start talking like her or I 'll think her spirit 's got into you . ’
25 Play straight with me or I 'll destroy you .
26 Come with me and I 'll let you hear . ’
27 ‘ I 'll tell you what , Maggie , to further celebrate your first day , why do n't you come with me and I 'll buy you a drink ? ’
28 Come up with me and I 'll sort them out . ’
29 Climb down a bit lower with me and I 'll show you . ’
30 Come back with me and I 'll help if you find the carrying difficult at first . "
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