Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most travellers with their wits about them and an eye for aesthetics would have preferred to rest at the Bates Motel .
2 Even where practices may not differ over time , or place , there may be an inconsistency about them or a lack of knowledge about them , or a long-standing dispute about them , which could make it equally difficult to argue that following or not following a practice was or was not constitutional or legitimate .
3 Fourteen weeks ' full maternity pay for everyone and an end to the confusing restrictions on how long you have to work for the same company to qualify for your job back are just two of the expected improvements .
4 It was as if their lives had been aimless , random as pinballs , but when they came inside her door , there was a chair especially for them and a mug chosen for their tea .
5 She fetched some home-made cakes for them and a glass of lemonade each , and while they ate and drank opened her parcels .
6 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
7 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
8 In cases where a papilla arises on two adjacent areas the m is split into 2n 's with a comma between them and a linking bar above them .
9 ‘ These provincial councils were meant to act as part of central council within their own area , but they have grown more independent and now we have a situation where there is both competition and conflict between them and a reluctance to accept the authority of central council . ’
10 It was only five in the afternoon , early for me but a drink might help .
11 After deciding on beer — a pint for me and a half for Sally — we chatted about our golf game and then Sally asked : ‘ How are you getting on with the Brian Harley business ? ’
12 It was a winter not of discontent but of change and new ideas — a change of direction for me and a widening of horizons .
13 ‘ At least Clinger had a reasonable congregation , half a dozen confirmation candidates for me and a woman running a youth club .
14 No , I would say that if an independent assessor has been dispatched to this is a good point worth bringing through in the event of erm a disagreement between ourselves and a policy holder , the policy holder has a number of aspects that they can they can approach .
15 Gedge would justifiably argue that his songs were neither personal statements about himself or a manifesto on which others should base their lives .
16 He has won a day for himself and a companion at Doncaster Races on March 19 the opening meeting of the Flat by providing the first correct entry opened in our recent racing competition .
17 He ordered a pastis for himself and a pineau de Charentes for Sabine , then sat down with her at a table in the corner .
18 He ordered eggs Benedict and a steak sandwich for both of them , then went to the mini bar and poured an Evian water for himself and a diet Coke for Billie .
19 It is possible for there to be unrestricted-use three party debtor-creditor-supplier agreements , but the requirements are more exacting as seen under s12 ( c ) : an unrestricted-use credit agreement which is made by the creditor under pre-existing arrangements between himself and a person ( the " supplier " ) other than the debtor in the knowledge that the credit is to be used to finance a transaction between the debtor and the supplier .
20 Now at about the time that that letter was written on the twenty second of October er Mr had the meeting at the National Westminster Bank that had been arranged between himself and a Mrs and it is clear from er this meeting that the bank would no longer er , given that the Frinton property was not to be offered as security , prepared to offer the sum , the substantial sums that they had originally agreed to do and they were now only prepared to offer very much smaller sums and the plaintiff 's case is that the only way that they were going to be able to proceed to complete on this matter was er by selling their homes , their family home at and it is the plaintiff 's case , certainly in relation to er the losses that they have sustained as a result of the breach of contract , alleged in this case , that er if they had not been forced to go ahead to complete on this deal they would not have been required to sell their family home .
21 Relapse in the absence of a precipitating event is most likely to occur when the patient is living in a situation characterised by high expressed emotion between himself and a relative with whom he has a high degree of contact .
22 A glorious red butterfly with sapphire blue eyes on its wingtips fluttered and curtsied in front of me , moorland sheep scuttled reluctantly off the track as I ploughed towards them and a group of walkers cursed as they struggled up the bank .
23 Whenever I had a sheet of paper in front of me and a paintbrush or pencil in my hand , the result was inevitable .
24 Once the exams were over I had the whole summer free in front of me and a host of new friends to pass it with the idea made me extremely happy .
25 I feel a lively lump inside of me and a need to keep it vital ; to keep on running though I am panting and sweating like a sore animal ; to encase it in life , to keep it moving .
26 but I mean it was things like doing questionnaires maybe telephone question phoning people up you know that your three and a half , well not all of them but an example
27 He saw a pile of them and a notice nearby , ‘ Hire of chairs 2d. per session of three hours . ’
28 As to planting electronic bugs , you would need an ant colony of them and an army of listeners before you could be reasonably sure of covering every room in London where George Harbinger might whisper an indiscretion .
29 He had not objected to being photographed but was upset to see photographs of himself and a feature in the Sunday Mail of 4 October 1990 headed ‘ The sheer agony of a food allergy . ’
30 I 'll throw you to the fucking wolves — are you listening , you stupid fuck ? — and there 'll be nothing left of you but a pile of shit and a hank of hair .
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